Fall in Love with the Process and Enjoy the Journey


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Tony Robbins

Learn to Fall in Love With the Process

After graduating from college, I fully immersed myself in the professional world. With the main focus on building my career, I dedicated most of my time to work. In just a few short years, I had gained close to fifteen to twenty pounds of fat.

After sacrificing my health for wealth, I came to an important realization.

I was experiencing low quality of life.

If I had continued this path, I would be exactly like my senior colleagues.

One night before taking a shower, I stared at myself in the mirror and was disgusted with what I saw. There were fats all over my body. There were clumps hanging from places I have never seen before.

I asked myself:

  • “Who have I become?”
  • “Why am I sacrifice my health for the sake of chasing money?”
  • “What’s the value of money if I don’t have the health to enjoy it?”

After feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired, I decided to improve my health. In that life-changing moment, I refused to accept my current state of life.

As a result, I raised my standards and committed to a permanent lifestyle change.

Initially, I didn’t experience any progress despite doing countless exercises. Although the results were nowhere to be seen, I didn’t give up. Not knowing what to do, I asked for help.

Fortunately, one of my colleagues introduced me to a workout program.

With a high level of dedication, I made exercising daily my highest priority. In addition to moving my body, I changed my diet by decreasing my caloric intake.

Even though I was extremely committed, there were still times when I felt deflated. What helped me overcome those demotivating times was reminding myself of why I started in the first place.

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I want to unlock my fullest potential so I can perform my best in everything I do.

Having a deep sense of purpose helped me neglect my temporary negative emotions and do what my highest self desired. I understood by taking care of my body and mind is a privilege I will do for the rest of my life.

It’s not something I can do temporarily and expect lasting results. It must be a constant practice. It must be a lifestyle.

With that destination in mind, I had crisp clarity.

Now, I look forward to every workout regardless of how tired or energetic I feel. In addition, I enjoy eating healthy foods because they nourish my body and mind.

Living a healthy lifestyle is a lifelong journey. As a result, I’ve learned to enjoy the process, the negative, the positive, and everything in between.

Remind Yourself of Your “Why”

Whatever goals you’re trying to achieve, you will inevitably face obstacles.

When those tough times arise, revisit your purpose for doing it. You can reignite the fire inside your belly by reminding yourself of your “why.”

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To get what you want, you must dedicate time and effort to those tasks that add up to great achievements. It’s about the consistent work you do every day that creates big changes.

Don’t underestimate the small activities you engage in on a daily basis. It’s those little wins that sum up to huge victories.

Understand this:

Anything great takes time and labor to build.

It’s not about the destination, but rather it’s about the journey. It’s about the person you’re growing and becoming.

Success Comes with A High Level of Commitment

Commitment and success go hand in hand. Anyone who has achieved greatness rarely dabbled in his or her work.

Let’s take a look at some successful people in the world.

For example, Steve Jobs started Apple back in 1976. Despite getting fired from a company he co-founded, Jobs eventually was brought back to Apple when it acquired his second company NeXT.[1]

Even though losing something he created by his own hands, Jobs didn’t perish by persevering and starting something else. He built another company with the lessons he had learned from his previous experience. His intention was never to outshine Apple or to be employed by them again.

However, his dedicated work and a high level of commitment helped him produced a successful venture in the higher education and business markets sector.

Now, let’s look at Elon Musk.

In addition to changing the electric car industry for the better by producing zero-emission vehicles, he also invested in SpaceX for the possibility of colonization at Mars.

After designing the spacecraft for four years, the first shuttle launch failed in 2006. Two more unsuccessful launches occurred from 2006 to 2008. Despite losing hundreds of millions of dollars per attempt, Elon musk persisted to get the fourth try.[2]

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At the International Astronautical Conference in 2016, Musk announced the possibility of having an Interplanetary Transport System by designing spacecraft, which can carry 100 passengers per trip to Mars.

Staying committed to his vision of colonizing Mars, Elon Musk overcame endless challenges by putting in the work to solve his overarching problems.

Steve Jobs and Elon Musk are just two examples.

Throughout history, there have been countless great leaders and innovators who have dedicated a tremendous amount of time towards their craft and goals.

To think you’re any different would be unwise. You must also devote yourself to your vision with the utmost intensity.

Closing Thoughts

Having a strong dedication to your goals is what will create the results you want. Your unwavering level of commitment can move mountains.

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To get the positive outcomes you want in life, you must become the person who deserves those rewards. You must learn, grow, and put in the required work to earn them.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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Footnote References:

[1]“Steve Jobs.” Pixar Wiki, pixar.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_Jobs.

[2]Elon Musk Biography: Success Story of The 21st Century Innovator. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2018, from https://astrumpeople.com/elon-musk-biography/


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