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True Happiness Lies in Meaningful Relationships

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― Robert Waldinger

The Benefits of Meaningful Relationships

The quality of your romantic and platonic relationships impacts your overall health and happiness.[1] Quality beats quantity when it comes to relationships. Having healthy relationships allows you to:

In a TEDx talk, Robert Waldinger discusses the effects that relationships have on people’s happiness based on a 75-year long study. Here are the benefits of having good quality relationships:

The Negative Effects of Loneliness

Isolation is harmful to your physical, emotional, and spiritual healthLoneliness causes:

The sad truth is that one out of five Americans is lonely.

How to Deepen Your Connections with Others

You can continuously nourish your existing relationships with time and effort while expanding your social circle.

To create more meaningful relationships, you have to understand social dynamics. The two books I highly recommend are:

1. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This is the bible of social dynamics. It not only teaches you how to become a powerful social connector but also how to become an effective leader.  

2. The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane

This book shows how you can learn charisma because it’s not an innate trait. Olivia highlights the important roles of nonverbal communication and the power of vulnerability, the ability to connect deeper with others. The book includes many practical exercises that you can start applying in your daily life, which will eventually become second nature to you.

Expanding Your Social Circle

Step 1: Identify Your Values

Step 2: Go Out and Meet People (The Most Important and Challenging Part)

Step 3:  Host Events

Step 4: Qualification Process

Step 5: Repetition

Over time, you will grow a big social network with people with who you share similar values. You will then have created meaningful relationships with people by design, and not by default!

Closing Thoughts

Your happiness is directly correlated to the quality of your relationships. By having quality relationships, you don’t feel lonely because you know there are people who you can depend on.  

In effect, you can tell your confidants any challenges or struggles you’re facing. The act of simply sharing my challenges with my close friends enables me to relieve the burdenJust revealing my struggles with them alleviates the pain that I carry regardless of whether they can help me or not.

Most times you’re not seeking advice, but for someone to understand the pain or feelings that you’re experiencing

The top five regrets of the dying according to Bronnie Ware’s book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing are they wished they had:

  1. The courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  2. Didn’t work so hard.
  3. The courage to express my feelings.
  4. Stayed in touch with my friends.
  5. Let myself be happier.

The most important things to you aren’t materialistic, but are the people who you care about!

You already have everything to be happy right at this moment!  

It’s simply a choice.

You don’t need to “chase” happiness by seeking external factors. When you’re truly happy, you can fully give to others without any expectation in return.

As a result, you can better serve others, including those who are most important to you.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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Footnote Reference:

[1]“Why Personal Relationships Are Important.” Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing.

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