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Achieve Your Goals With a Strong “Why”

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“I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.”

― Albert Einstein

Start with a Strong Purpose

Imagine two men’s goals are to lose weight. Let’s call them Tom and Joe.

Tom’s reason is to have an aesthetic body while Joe wants to feel energetic and prolong his life.

Two months later, Tom gives up on his goal. He stops exercising and starts eating everything in sight.

But Joe, on the other hand, is still working hard on his goal. He works out five days a week and maintains a healthy diet with mostly nutrient-dense food.

The difference is their “why!”

Because of his strong purpose and reason, he’s more likely to follow through with his actions and achieve his goal. That’s where he will succeed where others have failed.

Tom’s reason for losing weight is superficial because he simply wants to look good.

That basis will not motivate him to exercise when he feels too lazy to go to the gym or eat healthy foods when there are other tempting options.

Joe’s purpose for losing weight is to increase his longevity and to have more energy.

If your “why” is strong, you can overcome any challenges life throws at you.

The Golden Circle

In his book Start With Why, Simon Sinek’s discussed The Golden Circle. Just like your brain, The Golden Circle has three layers.

On the surface layer, you have the “what.” The second layer is “how” and the third layer is “why.”

You know exactly “what” you do and “how” you do it. But do you know “why” you do it?

Take a minute and think about that.

Because when you start with “why,” it will lead to “how” and “what.” Your strong “why” will allow you to find your “how” by searching for ways to do it.

You won’t give up until you figure it out.

But when your “why” is weak, you will make excuses and give up. Your “why” is imperative when it comes to setting goals.

Here are my five steps for setting and achieving goals.

1. Be Specific

When setting goals, it’s much better to set big goals and come close than to set small goals and reach them.

The first step is to get specific.

If you want to lose weight, specify how much weight you want to lose. Don’t be arbitrary and say you want to have six-pack abs, have more muscle, or lose fat.

By having a target number, you can measure your results. You can track your progress on a consistent basis by weighing yourself.

2. Have a Deadline

The second step is to create a deadline for your goals.

Back to the losing weight example, when do you want to lose the specified pounds?

This is important because it lets you know exactly when you must reach your goals. By having a deadline, you’re less likely to procrastinate.

You won’t make up excuses because you won’t have all the time in the world to reach your goals.

3. Create an Action Plan

The third step is to create an action plan for your goals.

For the losing weight example, consider the following questions:

Get extremely detailed and put them on your calendar. This way, you’ll know exactly what you will be doing every day.

4. Accountability

To make sure you follow through with your action plan, ask family members or friends to hold you accountable.

By having accountability partners, you’re more likely to follow through with action. If you don’t do it, you will be letting yourself and your accountability partners down.

There will be a lot more at stake.

You can have your accountability partners join you on your goals for further support. To make it even more interesting and worthwhile, you can have consequences for not achieving your progress or goals.

Examples include donating money to an organization you loathe, making the existing goal much more difficult, or performing an embarrassing act in public.

5. Track Your Progress

Because of your specific goals, you can measure and track your progress.

If you’re trying to lose weight and it hasn’t been going down, then reevaluate your action plan.

Be completely honest with yourself and make proper adjustments. The key is to be consistent and persistent.

Closing Thoughts

Having a strong “why” is crucial to achieving your goals. It will help you suffer through the suffering and drudge through the drudgery.

Take time off regularly to get away from the “busyness” for self-reflection. It will give you clarity and focus on your direction in life. It can rekindle your reason for starting in the first place.

Keep going and push through the tough times as it will build character and discipline.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. If you have a second, please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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