“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”
― Les Brown
My hero’s journey to pursue my dream started in September 2015 as I traveled to Holland for work.
Vividly, I still remember laying on the hotel bed thinking about what I should do with the rest of my life. I just had dinner with my manager. What we discussed awakened me from my deep trance and discovered an epiphany.
After exchanging our thoughts on the direction that our company is headed, I realized that this has happened with my previous two companies and this company is no exception. This recurring theme will continue to repeat itself unless I take control of my future, by starting my business.
I spent that whole night researching potential business ideas. After watching countless videos on finding my purpose and creating an online freedom business, I still couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do. But I knew that staying in my current career path was not the answer. Fast forward to February 2016, I discovered my top three core values:
- Health
- Continuous growth
- Contribution
Fusing those three together created my mission to help others with their health. Initially, I dabbled into that to see how would I like it. Without fully immersing myself in the new venture, I wasn’t able to experience all the challenges and thrills that it encompassed.
By having a comfortable job with a consistent income, I wasn’t pushed to grow my venture. But that changed when I visited Joshua Tree National Park in May.
Your Comfort Zone is Your Enemy
During my camping trip in Joshua Tree National Park, I met a young woman who was emotionally lost in her own chaotic world.
She was escaping reality by dwelling in the wilderness. After hearing her story, I couldn’t help but share mine. As I was sharing my story, I felt a rushing sense of disappointment.
I haven’t been fully committing my time to growing my business, something I have been intentionally procrastinating about. All of this was because I was too afraid to leave my job.
My addiction to the consistent paycheck prevented me from taking the next step.
I was letting money control me instead of letting it support me.
Although my job is interesting and challenging, most of the time I don’t feel excited or fulfilled.
Deep down inside, I desired more.
I wanted to contribute to the world in a more direct and impactful way. I no longer wanted to follow societal expectations of taking the safe route – which is to have a job and climb the corporate ladder until retirement. I had to ask myself the following questions:
- “Am I living my life true to my own expectations?”
- “Is the ladder leaned against the wrong wall?”
- “What other career paths am I most aligned with?”
I deeply wanted to take life by the horns and create my dream life and live by my rules. The only thing that was standing in my way was the fear of the unknown. To put life in perspective, I had to imagine myself laying on my deathbed. Reflecting back on my life, I asked myself:
- “Do I have any regrets?”
- “Is there anything that I was too afraid to try?”
The answer was a resounding “yes.” I was risking my whole life to play it safe instead of betting on myself and going after what’s most important to me.
True Freedom
As soon as I decided to quit my job and fully dedicate my time to growing my business, I felt a sense of liberation. I broke free from the years of social conditioning.
I was radiating with life.
This was because I chose to pursue something that vibrates me at the core level. And that something is to help others to become their best.
The process of figuring out what makes me come alive was not trivial. It required investing time and money by attending training programs, reading many books, and listening to numerous podcasts. In the process, I discovered more about myself and how I want to live my life.
I wanted to help others.
My blood boils at the thought of helping others break through their unique challenges to achieve their fitness goals. My direction has slowly evolved into helping strictly men to become their best version. I will help them define their definition of success, happiness, and most importantly, being a man.
Helping other men break through their unique challenges are things I’m willing to do for free. And if I can make an income while doing it, then that’s the perfect combination. I will have blurred the line between work and play, creating a lifestyle that I don’t have to escape from.
The arduous journey will be filled with inevitable failures. But I welcome them as they teach the most valuable lessons, something success doesn’t. My persistence will keep my dreams alive, instead of letting them die with me in the graveyard.
Take Action
The graveyard is ironically and inconspicuously the richest place in the world.

Because there you will find countless people with unfilled dreams. I don’t want to be one of those people, and I don’t want you to be those people either. I want you to live out your dream!
I challenge you to find that which makes you come ALIVE and live it! Whatever your dream is, actively chase it, because you only have this one life to live. Don’t believe the lie that there’s always tomorrow. Stop procrastinating and start doing what your heart desires.
You’re on this planet for a reason.
Do you know what that is?
Deep down you already know what it is.
Yes, the road will be scary and challenging. But it’s in those challenges that will make you grow and become more resilient to the various obstacles life will inevitably throw at you.
Closing Thoughts
Don’t cling to comfort because there’s no such thing as a comfortable life.
There’s no certainty because it is a myth.
You think you know what’s going to happen in your life, but there’s no guarantee you will make it that far. Anything can happen between now and then.
- If you were to die tomorrow, would you go to your grave with a smile knowing that you lived life by your terms?
- Or would you regret the life that you lived?
You can choose the road that’s less traveled. The process will not be easy and it will test you. Embrace those challenges and learn each invaluable lesson.
Choose uncertainty and fulfillment over certainty and unhappiness.
Take a risk and pursue your dream instead of risking your whole life away by playing it small. Be a trailblazer and leave a legacy you’ll be proud of.
Go to your grave with battle scars knowing that you emptied out your tank and enjoyed one hell of a ride. Write your life’s script and create your hero’s journey.
Through the ups and downs, always remember to love the life that you have while creating the life of your dreams.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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