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Live With More Clarity By Starting With the End in Mind

Live With More Clarity By Starting With the End in Mind

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― C.G. Jung

Start With the End In Mind

A simple yet powerful mental exercise I do regularly is to review my obituary.

The key questions I ask myself are:

Valuing to have a positive impact on the world, I focus on contributing to others and the environment. Every day, I remind myself that everything I do should be serving that purpose.

Whether it’s taking care of myself so I can better serve others, creating value in the world, or spending time with those who I care about, all these activities reinforce me to live a conscious and intentional life.

With the freedom to choose, I don’t want to conform to anyone else’s beliefs.

Driven to live an unscripted life, I’m motivated to practice personal integrity and be a man of my word. Discontent with mediocrity, I want to courageously go after my dreams and pursue my definition of success.

Wanting to be remembered as a loving son, caring friend, helpful colleague, and great lover, I give those who I treasure my undivided attention and presence during every interaction.

During my journey of personal growth, I want to have experienced fun adventures and made lasting memories. Above all else, I want to leave a legacy I would be proud of for helping men live fulfilled and memorable lives.

These are all the qualities and achievements I want to be remembered for.

If I were to die tomorrow, I would rest in peace feeling fulfilled and empty of regrets because I had lived my deepest purpose – to become my best while helping others become theirs.

By starting with the end in mind, I can live consciously and intentionally.

Write Your Obituary

Imagine you’re at your funeral.

To put it in practice, write out your obituary.

For example, if you want to be remembered for your genuine generosity to others, start spreading more kindness in your life. This could mean donating your time and volunteering for a cause you wholeheartedly believe in.

If you want to be commemorated for your being a loving partner, start investing more quality time in your romantic relationship.

However you want to be known, start living more intentionally aligned with your ultimate vision.

Live Life With Clarity

After knowing your vision, you can start living life with more clarity and design. You can do this by reverse-engineering your life to make it a reality.

Let your clear end-vision be your inner compass to guide you through life.

During times of struggle and hardship, you can rely on your lucid clarity to move you in the right direction. As you get to know and understand yourself on a deeper level, your goals can change.

But once you have clearly identified your life’s intentions and core values, they rarely alter dramatically. However, with every slight pivot, your end-vision becomes clearer.

In times when you feel unfulfilled, that’s when you’ve steered away from your intentionality. Once that happens, you must reevaluate your end vision and course of action.

You can redirect your focus by asking yourself the following questions:

Living your life aligned with your values is simple, but definitely not easy.

Oftentimes, you’ll be forced to make difficult decisions and tempted to choose the path of least resistance. To counter that, you must select discomfort and stay true to your vision to cultivate mental strength and discipline.

By not compromising your values, you can live a more conscious and meaningful life.

Closing Thoughts

To live with more fulfillment, you must start with the end in mind.

Next, align every decision and action according to your end vision. Following this philosophy, you’ll live an intentional and deliberate life.

By doing so, you’ll create a legacy and memories worth treasuring.

Those you have helped along your journey will be forever grateful for your invaluable service. Taking your last breath while going to the grave, you can smile knowing your obituary has become a reality.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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