“Accountability breeds response-ability.”
– Stephen Covey
Personal Accountability
Personal accountability creates excellence. Every one of my goals is important to me because they give guidance and direction in my life. Here are some of my current daily goals.
- Deliberately practice swimming
- Meet two attractive women
- Write a minimum of 500 words
- Answer one Quora question
The only determining factor of success is my level of commitment toward each goal.
As long as I’m taking deliberate action and committing to my intentions, then I’m becoming a better person.
By being on the journey and enjoying the process through the peaks and valleys, I’m already a success. That’s how I define it.
The bonuses to becoming a better version of myself include the following:
- Better swimmer
- Effective writer
- Larger audience
- A high-quality partner
Growth and success are inevitable when I go after what I want.
They will come with time as a result of testing my persistence, patience, and drive.
My self-esteem and confidence increase when I can follow through with my intentions.
By taking action on what is important to me, I live a conscious life that’s aligned with my values.
Far outweighing the outcome, the process is much more valuable because of the hard work and dedication which allows me to achieve those tangible results.
For example, if someone simply gave me a marathon prize, I wouldn’t value it at all. However, if I had gone through all the training preparation for a marathon and ran the full 26.2 miles on race day, then I would treasure the medal much more.
In this case, the trophy symbolizes the sweat and discipline that I had to endure and cultivate to achieve it.
Whether or not I get a medal for my hard work is irrelevant. What I truly care about is the growth that I experience through the training and the race itself.
The trophy is only a mere bonus to me, the icing on the cake that’s my disciplined character.
By having personal accountability, I ensure I always choose growth despite discomfort and failure.
“Failure,” is inevitable in everything I do, and I welcome it with open arms.
That’s because every “failure” is an opportunity for growth. It’s my chance to review and think of ways to be better next time.
True collapse only exists when I give up and don’t learn anything from the experience.
Because of life’s inevitable waves of “failures,” I’ve now learned to fail successfully forward. And with every challenge, I see a better version of myself on the other side.
Valuing growth, I always seek opportunities to get out of my comfort zone. And as long as I am going after what I want, then I will always be growing.
That’s my ultimate and achievable goal in life.
The Power of Accountability
Having goals give you direction and guidance. And by achieving each goal, you will bring your vision closer to reality.
Additionally, you’ll inevitably get tangible results while making progress. Along the way, you’ll also build self-esteem and confidence because you followed your words with actions.
Because by going after things that are important to you, you’re living in alignment with your values.
In other words, you are of integrity by being a man of your word.
That sense of self-empowerment is what drives you to be more ambitious and to create more goals. However, at the same time, you’re not lost in the insanity for the sake of chasing outcomes and results.
Despite your high level of commitment, you stay grounded by enjoying the journey while detaching yourself from any specific outcome.
Rather, you stay loyal to your words by doing what needs to be done, knowing you can trust yourself. Ask yourself:
- “How confident will I feel?”
- “How attractive is that to others?”
This builds trust in your relationships because they know they can count on you.
They can relax knowing they can depend on you based on your strong and committed history of living by your words.
And to break trust, it only takes a second by not doing what you said you would.
And as that pattern escalates, you start to lose self-confidence and self-belief.
Therefore, the key to having more confidence and belief in yourself is this:
You must keep your word and do what needs to be done, even if it is scary and challenging.
Ways to Be Accountable
Sharing your goals with family and friends is one of the easiest ways to get accountability.
Signs of effective accountability partners include consequences and repercussions you must face if you fail to follow through. This will increase your level of commitment to go after what you want.
And to take accountability to the next level, you can create personal accountability for yourself.
This means you hold yourself responsible for everything you intend to do.
This is one of the most powerful ways to create excellence for yourself and those around you.
That’s because you set a great example for others who will admire and respect you.
For example, in the workplace, your level of self-responsibility is what motivates others to want to do the same.
And as a result, you will have more authority, credibility, and trust in the workplace.
Closing Thoughts
Realize this:
Nothing in your life will change unless you change.
Therefore, if you want something in life, you must take responsibility and go after it.
Ask yourself these essential questions:
- “Why am I pursuing this goal?”
- “How important is it to me?”
- “How do I feel when I follow through with my words with action?”
If you deeply want it, you’ll make the time and put in the necessary effort for it.
The most difficult part is to get started.
That’s because once you begin taking action, momentum can pick up, and you’ll naturally want to do more. And by following through your words with effort, you will inevitably build self-esteem and confidence.
Follow your curiosity and hold yourself accountable for everything you intend to do.
Excellence and tangible results are inevitable, and just a matter of time.
Put in the deliberate work and success, however you define it, will one day come.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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