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Take Full Responsibility and Be the Creator of Your Own Destiny

Take Full Responsibility and Be the Creator of Your Own Destiny

“The price of greatness is responsibility.”

― Winston S. Churchill

Take Full Responsibility for Your Life

By taking full responsibility, I take extreme ownership of the following:

  1. Embracing my past
  2. Planning for the future
  3. Treasuring the present moment

Whatever has occurred in the past is final. There’s nothing I can do to change it. All I can do is fully accept it.

However, I can find powerful lessons from my history to propel me forward. For example, I’ve experienced a few heartbreaks in my life. No matter how hard I try to forget them, those incidents can’t be undone.

The only thing I can change is my perspective on those events.

Rather than letting them drag me down, I view them as learning opportunities. As a result, I’ve learned to improve myself and the quality of my relationships. I’m grateful for those hardships because I accelerated onward, by not repeating those same mistakes.

As for the future, I can only prepare for it. Since it hasn’t come yet, there’s no use in stressing about it. The only moment I can focus on is nowThis can only happen after I make peace with my past and not be anxious for the future.

Fully immersed in the present moment, I enjoy the beautiful gift that is life. By living in the now, I can experience the following benefits:

When I’m completely engaged in the activity, I come most alive.

That’s because I’m not thinking about the past nor fantasizing about the future. The only thing of importance is what I’m currently working on at that moment. However, I’m no longer present when I lose my attention on the assignment at hand. I’m either dwelling on the past or living in the future.

To bring me back to the present moment, I simply breathe intentionally with long inhales and exhales.

With awareness, I can enjoy the now. By doing so, I can start to take full responsibility for my life.

You Are the Solution to All Your Problems

Reflecting back on life, everything that has happened (positive and negative) is because of me. Whether it was my struggles with health, relationships, or professional endeavors, I was responsible for those hardships. On the other hand, I was also the reason for my success in those areas.

From past experiences, I’ve learned this important fact:

I’m the cause of all my problems.

But fortunately, I’m also the solution.

When I take ownership of my challenges, I seek answers to overcome them. I understand that no one is going to assist me unless I first help myself.

If the obstacle is too great to handle alone, I gladly ask for guidance. That’s because I believe in the quality of my relationships – those who genuinely care and want to support me.

For others to help you, you must first take ownership of your problems. You do that by trying to solve the issue by yourself. If you don’t succeed after deliberate effort, then seek out assistance.

Don’t let your ego get in the way.

Taking responsibility for your obstacles is critical to becoming a man of strong character.

Become a Person of Empowerment

When you take accountability for your life, you become the hero of your journey.

Regardless of where you are today, you have the power to change your circumstances. Despite having non-ideal results, you can ultimately alter the course of your life.

After taking full responsibility, you can determine the cause of your problems and solve them. You do that by taking action towards your desired outcomes.

By becoming a leader, you get to write your own story. You’re the captain of your ship, and you get to steer it in the direction your heart desires.

Others who want to support you will join you on the adventure.

Therefore, always stay true to yourself. You don’t “need” to change yourself to please anyone. However, you improve yourself because you choose to, out of love for yourself and others. That’s because the better you become, the more effective you can serve the world. This leads to a key point:

It’s an honor and privilege to help people.

When you choose to serve others (parent, friend, colleague, etc.), you are no longer suffering.

For example, I have volunteered for many organizations in the past. They include animal shelters, soup kitchens, and small organic farms. In all my time there, not once did I feel misery. I enjoyed the work because I was contributing to a meaningful cause.

No one forced me to be there. I wanted to serve those communities because I resonated with their message.

To be truly responsible, you also care for those who are important to you. They can include:

However, you can only help those who want it.

Closing Thoughts

The most important person in your life is yourself. Coming from a place of self-love, ask yourself:

If there’s no me, would anyone (or anything) else matter?”

Therefore, you must first take care of yourself, then you can serve others. Your well-being is your own responsibility, and others can only help you along the way.

Once you have met your own needs, you can be more valuable in assisting those who want your support. Ask yourself:

You can start taking responsibility by embracing your past, enjoying the present moment, and planning for the future. Also, love those who are important to you, by giving them the attention and support they deserve.

Always remember:

You can only help those who want to be helped.

When you live responsibly and authentically, you will attract those who resonate with you.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful.

Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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