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Outgrowing Each Other in Relationships Is a Natural Process

Outgrowing Each Other in Relationships Is a Natural Process

“Seasons change, people grow together and apart, life moves on. You will be OK, embrace it.”

― Alexandra Elle

Practice Self-Respect

On my journey of personal development, I had to reduce and eliminate interactions with certain people. They were toxic with negative habits that drained my energy when I spent time with them.

For example, they would always complain about their life circumstances. Despite the lack of happiness, they didn’t do anything about it. Oftentimes, we were unproductive by drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy food. In addition, most of our conversations were mentally disempowering.

Those low-value behaviors weren’t serving my purpose to become my best.

Because I am the product of my environment, which includes the people I spend my time with and the things I do, I expressed self-love and self-respect by choosing to remove them completely from my life. By not spending time with those who were pulling me down, I had more time to focus on those who were more aligned with my values and beliefs.

After engaging with people who provide support, I felt empowered to improve because they gave me love and high levels of positive energy. They supplied invigorating conversations that provided assurance and motivation to pursue my goals and dreams.

Relational Incompatibility

As we age, we tend to make new friends and lose contact with companions from the past. This may be caused by geography or the lack of drive to stay in touch with others.

When that happens, there’s no right or wrong.

However, when you truly value others, you will put in the work to stay connected. Whether it’s sending a quick message or spending quality time with the other person, you’re making a conscious decision to deepen the relationship.

But there are times when it’s one-sided as others might not reciprocate because of the difference in priorities.

For example, if you reached out to someone with whom you haven’t spoken in a long time and he or she doesn’t respond back. Chances are high that you’re not important to that person.

That’s because if you were, they would make the time and effort for you.

Over time, your values, wants, and goals can change. Due to those differences or similarities, your relationships from the past can grow apart or stronger.

Regardless of how you want to live your life, others always have a choice:

They can either support you or not.

You give them the option. Through their actions, you can identify the importance of your relationships.

Make Empowering Choices

When it comes to relationships (romantic or platonic), it’s just a matter of compatibility. It takes both parties to make any connection work.

The truth is this:

You always have a choice in selecting who you want to further strengthen your relationships with.

For those who reciprocate, you can cultivate those meaningful connections. And for those who don’t, it’s a waste of time and energy.

This is part of the growing process.

You can only add value to those who want it.

By making empowering choices, you can have deeper relationships with those who are mutually invested in one another. As a result, you can experience more happiness in your life by having people who truly care and believe in you.

They are worth your effort. Since your time is limited, it’s in your best interest to use it wisely.

Closing Thoughts

No matter what the reason is, it’s natural for some relationships to fall apart. 

Because with time, people can change for better or worse.

You can actively choose who you want to surround yourself with. You have the power to select the right influences – those who see the best in you.

It’s a conscious decision.

This filtering process is a constant practice for the rest of your life.

To nurture those types of relationships, invest continuous time and effort. By doing so, you’ll nourish and strengthen your connections with people who you care about and vice versa.

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