“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
― Henry David Thoreau
Carve Your Own Path
From birth, I was conditioned with beliefs about how I “should” live my life. Born into a family of farmers, I was exposed to a simple lifestyle.
Oblivious to being “poor,” my family and I were content and satisfied with what we had.
But as the exposure to luxurious and extravagant things became more prevalent, our appetite for having them also grew stronger.
Because of that hunger, the desire to experience a comfortable life turned into a necessity.
This was eminently clear and important for my parents. And as a byproduct of my environment, I eventually conformed to that idea.
This was also reinforced by society’s influences.
Playing by the guidelines, I can get what is expected of me. However, despite having everything I’m supposed to have, I was not fulfilled or satisfied.
I wanted more out of life.
My desire for creating a bigger impact on the world erupted.
But that can only happen when I decide to step outside of social standards.
It was definitely a difficult process, however, I was able to pierce through the years of conformity. After quitting my job and focusing 100% of my time on my venture to help others with their most difficult life challenges, I experienced fulfillment in doing what was meaningful to me.
Although making less money than I have in previous years, I am by far the happiest and most carefree I have ever been.
Having the freedom to enjoy life is priceless.
All the riches in the world are worthless if I don’t have the time to enjoy them.
And if I follow society’s script for success and happiness, by the time I retire, I won’t have the same amount of energy as I do in my early years to travel or participate in physically demanding activities.
Since my life isn’t guaranteed, I want to take full advantage of all that I can now.
Challenge Your Current Beliefs
Through numerous years of cultural programming, we have been educated to live a limited life.
In school, we were told to follow rules and be obedient.
Our teachers punished us with consequences for misbehaving. For example, if we were late for class, the penalty was detention.
By implementing negative outcomes for defiance, we were trained to act according to what is normal and accepted.
Formal education has taught us to conform rather than to lead and think for ourselves. From the moment we are born, our exact life’s footsteps have already been written for us. It may include the derivative below.
Any deviations from the scripted life would be unthinkable.
And as you travel farther along the path, the harder it is for you to deviate.
Up to this point, all your current beliefs are a combination of your environment. They may include the following:
- Parents
- Family
- Friends
- Teachers
- Education (school, church, etc.)
But to identify if those ideologies are genuinely yours, ask yourself:
- “Is this belief truly mine?”
- “Does this principle align with who I am?”
- “Do I resonate with this line of thinking?”
By honestly answering the questions above, you can determine those that are sincerely yours.
Control Your Environment
After you have determined your own belief system, you must nurture it in the right environment. This may include the following:
- Interacting with wholesome people
- Diving deeper into your topics of interest
Another important aspect is learning about opposing views.
This will allow you to understand the differences and where they stem from. Despite not agreeing with their opinions, you can gather knowledge by having an open mind.
A great test to see if you fully comprehend different views is answering “yes” to this question:
“Can I make a convincing argument from their perspective?”
Otherwise, you don’t have a complete grasp of their subject.
When educating yourself on dissimilar views, you may come across individuals who are closed-minded. Behaviors in those people may include:
- Showing a reluctance to listen to opposing thoughts
- Thinking their ideas are always correct while anything else that differs is wrong
- Expressing anger or frustration when their ideas are criticized or attacked
It’s in your best interest to not waste time with those types of people. They aren’t worth your effort because no matter what you say, they won’t respect it.
Closing Thoughts
All these years, you have been brainwashed by the beliefs of others. But with the information we have discussed, you have taken the red pill and are awakened. Ask yourself:
- “What beliefs do I have?”
- “Are those ideas serving me?”
- “Are they helping me to become the person I want to be?”
- “Do my principles make sense?”
Only accept them if you wholeheartedly find them fundamentally sound.
After you have created a solid value system, your entire life can change.
Make the advantageous choice and produce a bundle of ideologies that will guide you in becoming a better man.
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