“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
– Mark Twain
Life is Long Enough
“What is the meaning of life?”
That’s something I used to contemplate all the time.
Wanting to find the answer, I started consuming content related to that topic. In addition, I followed my curiosity by doing things that interested me.
After going through a long process of learning from numerous resources and implementing that information, I discovered my answer to that elusive question.
To me, life has no meaning.
But I give it meaning by living my purpose. Life is a blank canvas and I get to paint the picture that I want.
With that freedom, I want to contribute to a worthwhile cause. By doing things I believe are significant, I can live a fulfilled life.
And happiness, that’s just a byproduct of living a meaningful life.
With all the distractions in the world, it’s tempting for me to chase the latest shiny object. However, with a deep sense of purpose, I stay grounded and focused on my path.
Some say life is short, but I say it is just long enough. That’s because I don’t waste my time doing futile things.
Every task I do is important. Therefore, I don’t have the fear of missing out.
I live life with a sense of urgency knowing tomorrow is not guaranteed. The present moment is all I have.
Even if I were to die tomorrow, I would continue to live my current lifestyle.
By giving my all, I will die empty of regrets. I can peacefully go to my grave with battle scars knowing I have fully lived.
Live Rather than Exist
In today’s western culture, it’s easy to be comfortable and complacent. It’s not difficult to do the bare minimum and simply follow through mundane motions.
On a weekly basis, you go to work, perform what you are told or requested, and you get money in return. With it, you spend it on your wants and needs. And when accessible, you’ll have some time off for vacation. This cycle repeats itself until retirement.
That’s a very limited life.
To experience more, you must live your unique life. You can choose what that means to you.
However, to have more fulfillment, you must contribute to a meaningful cause. That’s your drive to live, rather than to exist.
Imagine this scenario:
Every day, you wake up with passion and excitement. Everywhere you go, you’re grounded in your strong reason for being alive.
How great will you feel?
However, this road less traveled is not for everyone.
To make a positive impact in the world, you will have to put in an enormous amount of time and effort. This lifestyle is not for the average man who is not ready for greatness.
It’s a lifelong commitment.
But if you decide to dedicate yourself to a bigger cause and play the long game, you’ll create a worthy legacy. You won’t mind all the drudge work because all that effort is worthwhile to you.
As a result, you’ll give a deep sense of meaning to your life. By providing tangible value to the world, you can live a purposeful life.
Share Your Unique Gift with the World
You have a unique gift. It’s your responsibility to identify and share it with the world.
Through your life experiences, you can discover your special abilities.
Your distinct mission may be simply being a great father or lover, or it can be as extravagant as becoming an influential political leader.
No matter how modest or grandiose your calling may be, you must live it out.
Understand this important fact:
You have a specific reason for being here and only you can fulfill that assignment.
It’s much more than just money.
You do it even if you don’t get rewarded with monetary gains. That’s because you understand the importance of your purpose.
By helping others, you gain enlivenment and are completing your honorable duty.
Closing Thoughts
Death is inevitable.
And for most of us, we don’t know when that will be.
It’s a blessing and a curse. We are grateful to always have a tomorrow.
- Knowing you have a limited amount of time, how will you live differently?
- What goals on your list have you not completed?
- Can you actively start doing them now?
Don’t wait until you have “this” or “that” before you pursue what you truly want.
That time may never come. The only certain moment is now.
Take full advantage of it.
Live your best life without regrets.
Make your one shot in life count.
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