“There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet.”
– Robert Jordan
Start with Yourself
To be a self-sufficient man, I need to be able to take care of myself. That includes the following life aspects:
- Health (physical, mental, psychological, emotional, and spiritual)
- Finance
- Relationship (significant other, family, and friends)
This is congruent with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shown below.
- Food
- Housing
- Clothes
Only after having met my own wants and needs, I can start to provide for others. This is especially true in my romantic relationship.
Working together as a team, she and I can help each other in times of need.
That’s because we both have the power to become financially independent. In a world filled with technological advancements, I have the resources to learn new skills and abilities.
In addition to caring for my partner, I must be able to protect and procreate with her if we both choose to.
These are the three qualities of a strong, mature, and masculine man.
Become Self-Sufficient with Provision
Our first need in this world is survival.
This necessity surpasses everything else. Hence why humans naturally cling to comfort.
We don’t want to risk ourselves with potential danger that can harm us. Because in return, that can possibly kill us.
Since women are also humans, they also value certainty and stability.
When you can provide for yourself, you can also do that for others, which includes your partner.
By having those essentials, she can live a prolonged life. In addition, this will most likely translate to possibly producing offspring and having a family.
Although women are more than capable of providing for themselves, they want to be with a man who can also take care of himself and her if necessary.
She wants someone who can stand on his own.
Inevitably, there will be times when you’ll need her support. But it can’t be on a consistent basis.
You must be self-reliant and do what you can on your own before asking for help.
First, you must contribute to the cause with all you can. Afterward, request assistance if needed.
When you become self-sufficient, you have the ability to provide for yourself and your partner.
This is one of the cornerstones of having a stable intimate relationship.
Practice Physical and Emotional Strength
After provision, protection comes next.
This also ties to our desire to survive.
To achieve that, we must not die. Therefore, safety is quintessential.
Back in tribal days, protection may mean guarding boundaries between territories or killing off any dangerous animals that threaten the village.
During invasions, the responsibility to defend falls upon men.
From a biological standpoint, men are naturally physically stronger compared to that women. In addition, men are more dispensable than women because of women’s ability to carry offspring.
Even though there aren’t any constant immediate physical dangers around us in modern society, we still encounter other types of problems.
It can be as simple as walking on the side closer to the sidewalk when you two are strolling through the city.
This may also include displaying your affection to her when other men are showing their unwanted attention. Other cases can be supporting her creative ideas or being grounded when she is going through difficult challenges.
By protecting your partner, you demonstrate admirable traits such as courage, composure, and strength.
You become the “rock” she needs in times of chaos.
She understands you are always reliable and calm even when her world has flipped upside down.
To achieve this, you must invest in your physical and mental health. You can exercise regularly, eat a nutrient-dense diet, and push yourself outside of your comfort zone to break through your current limits.
When you become a powerful composed man, you can protect yourself and your woman.
Demonstrate Leadership
The third and last ingredient for survival is procreation.
In order to extend the human race, we must pass on our genes.
Therefore, we naturally desire a woman best fit to carry our children. Body parts that portray a strong mother may include the following:
- Hips
- Breasts
- Butt
This is why we find those female body parts attractive. Those are clear signs which determine if she can bear and take care of our offspring.
Although physical appearance is not as important for women as it is for us, they still consider it.
They want a man who does his best given what he has.
By tapping into your full genetic potential, you can increase libido, the ability to procreate and satisfy her sexual desires.
To ultimately breed with a woman, you must take initiative and start the interaction. By taking the first step, you create opportunities for yourself.
This shows leadership.
It’s a desirable trait that wholesome and feminine women naturally crave.
But unfortunately, most men don’t portray this quality in modern society. That’s because they think it’s not something women want.
However, it’s quite the contrary.
Deep down, women want to be independently codependent.
What does that mean?
This translates to her being a strong and individualistic person. But in a romantic relationship, she wants an assertive man who can make decisions and go after what he wants.
You do this without being forceful by expressing how you truly feel through words and nonverbal cues.
She will let you know her thoughts through her actions (or lack of).
For example, if your partner asks you:
“Hey honey, which color of the dress, blue or red, looks better on me?”
Your best response is to speak your honest opinion.
Instead of replying with:
“They both look beautiful on you. Which one you choose is fine with me.”
Say something like this:
“I like the blue (or red) dress better. But I’m happy with your own selection.”
This will give her your genuine thoughts and direction. After that, she can freely decide for herself and still have your unconditional affection.
Her true essence wants to follow your lead.
In the relationship, she wants to know everything will be fine and taken care of by you.
Armed with this knowledge, you can be the leader she admires.
Closing Thoughts
As you may have already noticed, the three important traits are interconnected and interrelated.
For example, to better protect and procreate, you must be able to provide for yourself. This is done by having the necessary tools and resources to increase your physical and mental strength and take charge of your life.
Having the ability to provide, protect, and procreate are important attributes in attracting a mate. However, your reason is not for her, but rather for yourself.
That’s because regardless if you have a partner or not, you must be able to supply for yourself. In terms of protection, that can mean living a healthy lifestyle with a strong body and mind.
As for procreation, you have the option to pass on your genes to a compatible partner.
Sharing an intimate relationship with a woman is one of the most beautiful and satisfying life aspects.
Gain the abilities to provide, protect, and procreate to live an impactful life. In the process, you’ll also attract your ideal woman.
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