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Stop Playing Small and Do What Makes You Come Alive

Stop Playing Small and Do What Makes You Come Alive

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.”

– Erica Jong

Find Comfort in Discomfort

Growing up, I was taught to draw within the lines because it’s dangerous to step outside of my boundaries.

I must follow the rules society has written for me.

That way, I can live a comfortable and secure life.

The scripted way of being led to a deep sense of unfulfillment. Although I made a good income with a stable job, I didn’t feel excited or impactful.

By following the crowd and doing what I was supposed to, I became a robot – another widget in the assembly line.

Without realizing it, I was working hard to build someone else’s dream. But deep down, I wanted to create something of my own and provide tangible value to the world.

To do that, I had to take a stand for myself.

That’s when I decided to take a risk to pursue what I truly wanted.

Following my curiosity, I started helping others with their immediate health challenges. Soon after, it transitioned into strictly helping men with finding their purpose and become their best.

Ever since then, I’ve been more alive than ever.

Even though the income was not great, I gained fulfillment in doing something worthwhile and meaningful.

That’s something money cannot buy.

Playing Safe is Risky

Doing everything you can to mitigate risk, you’re jeopardizing the most important thing of all – your life.

Take your career as an example, choosing a secure job that does not excite you and takes up most of your time, you’re less likely to pursue your deepest passions and dreams.

We all need money and we’ll do what is necessary.

However, this doesn’t mean you must settle by playing small.

You can still work on side projects in your free time.

By chasing others’ goals, you’re not doing the very things you truly desire.

And if you’re not creating your own dream into reality, chances are high you’re helping someone else build theirs.

As for your intimate relationship, when you select a woman with who you’re not compatible, you’re risking a life of romantic dissatisfaction.

This could result in the following:

The price you pay is the quality of your life.

Therefore, pick someone who you’re ecstatic to be with.

Uncertainty Makes You Come Alive

As masculine men, we thrive on challenges. To grow, we must get out of our comfort zone by pushing our limits.

In the face of danger, we come most alive.

With our backs against the wall, we don’t have the option to fail.

We must give our best shot.

In times of uncertainty, we are forced to unleash our masculine energy and penetrate the world.

When we fully focus on the very task at hand, we lose ourselves in the moment.

Time speeds up as we enter a flow state.

Before we realize it, our day has already been fulfilled with productive and meaningful work.

This wouldn’t be the case if our lives are full of mundane and monotonous activities.

Living comfortably, we feel most certain. In our heads, we have created a concrete idea of how our future will play out. But that’s only an illusion we desperately cling to.

The truth is this:

No one can see what has not yet happened.

Life has its strange and beautiful ways of revealing itself. Hence, our plans rarely unfold the way we want them to.

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of life. Learning to accept it, you can become more receptive to taking risks and rid yourself of the need to control everything.

Believing in yourself and trusting the process by taking deliberate and consistent action towards your desired results, you will achieve your goals and live an adventurous life.

Closing Thoughts

As humans, we are naturally risk-averse.

It’s linked to our first and foremost need – survival.

When we get uncomfortable, the brain thinks we are in potential danger. Therefore, we feel the need to stop that which is hurting us.

However, not everything that’s discomforting is inherently negative for us.

To grow and achieve great feats, we must do what’s not easy. That usually means overcoming difficult challenges and obstacles.

By doing so, we can become more comfortable with uncertainty.

Over time, our tolerance for risks will increase.

Through continuous practice, you can lean into your edge and face what scares you.

With each small unpredictability taken, you’re training your mind. What you used to be afraid of is a non-issue now.

Living this way, you’re no longer safe. Rather, you’re playing big and taking full advantage of what life has to offer.

Step into the unknown and realize there’s nothing to fear except the terror of not having even tried.

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