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Follow Your Heart and Trust the Process

Follow Your Heart and Trust the Process

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

– Steve Jobs

Follow Your Heart

Back in 2016, I was lost.

Although life was good working as a chemical engineer with a high-paying salary, I wanted more. I desired a great life by making a bigger, tangible, and positive impact.

Without direction, I looked inward and revisited my past pain points. They included the following:

Through my experience of overcoming those challenges, I wanted to help others do the same.

The problem? 

I didn’t know how.

But deep down, I knew what I was doing was not what I was born to do.

Because the suffering of not going after my true wants exceeded my agony of staying the same, I decided to quit my job and went all in. Despite the uncertainty, I took a leap of faith. Trusting my own abilities such as discipline and perseverance, I believed in myself that all will be fine.

And if I must, I can return to the workforce and grow my venture on the side. I always have that choice.

When I started living according to my values and goals, I became most alive. Nothing was mundane and boring.

Not knowing what the outcome will be allowed me to simply focus on the process by striving to make progress to achieve my desired results.

By following my heart, I discovered my inner compass and north star.

Trust the Process

Everything in your past has magically worked together and got you to where you are now. All your previous experiences have accumulated up to this point.

It can be difficult to believe what you are currently doing is not going to make sense in the future. However, you must trust in the process that it will succeed.

Let’s take Steve Jobs as an example.

In his Stanford commencement speech in 2005, Jobs described his personal story of connecting the dots. After dropping out of college, he followed his curiosity and intuition by enrolling in a calligraphy class. He learned about the fundamental principles of creating great typography.

At the time, it didn’t seem to have any practical application. However, ten years later, he used that information to design beautiful calligraphy for the Macintosh computer. By taking a course that genuinely interested him, Jobs was able to implement his previous knowledge into something useful.

It was impossible for him to initially see how taking a calligraphy lesson would be much of value. But looking back, it all made sense.

This is also true for you.

Analyze your past experiences. You can find the links between them and how they have helped you along the way. You have to believe what you’re doing now is going to be purposeful in the future. Trusting this strategy will give you the confidence and courage to start and fully commit.

Later on, what you have invested will pay off in one way or another.

Create Your Own Legacy

After identifying what you wholeheartedly want, go after it with ferocity. On your journey, you will learn new skills. Some may include:

Another ability is the willingness to expand your knowledge. You will have the eagerness to acquire additional expertise that excels in your growth.

When you practice what you believe, this separates you from the average man.

To create your ideal life, you must feel compelled to live it out. It’s your strong belief to implement your deepest convictions. By following your natural instincts, you can create something significant. It’s that powerful sense of meaning which brings you more love for life.

Through doing, you are a living billboard of your ideas and beliefs. Completely expressing your principles, you’re embodying your truth by being a man of integrity.

You’re grounded in your purpose and are not detracted by others’ opinions. Living authentically, you stay true to yourself by committing to your highest desires through actions.

When you pursue your dreams, you’ll create a legacy.

People will remember the great deeds you have done. They recall the times you have helped and made a significant contribution. That’s priceless, hence why legacy is always larger than currency.

Closing Thoughts

It’s difficult to accomplish great work if you don’t love and/or care about what you do. To live a fulfilling life, you must value your contribution. Otherwise, you won’t put in your best effort.

With extraordinary gifts comes tremendous responsibility.

When you carry out your most sincere desires for the greater good, you’ll inevitably become a better man with honorable traits. And as a byproduct, you’ll also build an amazing and profound life.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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