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Strive for Excellence and Detach from Outcomes

Strive for Excellence and Detach from Outcomes

“When you begin your transcendental training, focusing your best efforts, without attachment to outcomes, you will understand the peaceful warrior’s way.”

― Dan Millman

Strive for Excellence

My life’s philosophy is to always live with integrity and do my best in every situation. As I am exploring opportunities for earning additional income, I have found myself in a series of job interviews.

In addition to reaching out to my network for help, I have also applied to numerous companies.

To prepare for interviews, I gather information about those organizations and/or team members. Furthermore, I review my previous work experience, key technical accomplishments, and important contributions.

During the meeting with those firms, my only focus is to answer each question by formulating a suitable response. By doing so, I’ll maximize my chances of getting an offer.

I’m not worried about saying the perfect thing hoping to get hired.

My goal is to create excellence.

This is done by clearly expressing my thoughts in an articulate manner. There’ll be inevitable times no matter how eloquent my responses are, I won’t land the job.

And that’s okay – this simply means it’s not a good fit. I accept it and explore other possibilities.

With an emphasis on effort, I stay present by listening carefully while paying attention to their nonverbal cues. I’m not stuck in my own head thinking about the different possible outcomes. That’s a waste of time and energy because those things are beyond my control.

Only my thoughts, words, and actions are within my command.

By always doing my best with every task, I create the highest probability of favorable outcomes. Then success is just a byproduct of doing amazing work.

Detach from Outcomes

With any goal, we must have a clear understanding of the following:

Along with supplying direction, objectives also deliver outcomes. And while having a thoughtful plan to achieve them are great, rarely do they unfold exactly according to your calculation.

That’s okay and normal.

Therefore, your best strategy is to do your best and prepare for the worst. Life is constantly testing by asking you the following:

You always have a choice in how you decide to handle every situation.

Will you cave in or rise above the obstacle?

Whatever difficulties you’re encountering, face them head-on. After detaching yourself from the outcomes, you’ll learn to be equanimous and calm in the midst of misfortunes.

You’ll realize life will rise, fall, and escalate again. This is the key to reaching mastery. By eliminating cravings and aversions, you’re simply living and embracing all that life has to offer.

Life Is Always On Your Side

No matter how negative you believe your life is, your current struggles are there to strengthen you. It might be difficult to realize this given your immediate barriers.

However, reflect back to a time when you overcame a hardship. Because of that, you learned an invaluable lesson. Now in hindsight, you created an appreciation for it.

That’s how life works. It is there to help you. Filled with relentless patience, life always teaches what you need to discover.

This translates to continuous problems. It won’t stop until you discover the necessary wisdom and growth.

And afterward, you’re better equipped when comparable roadblocks appear in the future. As a result, they no longer stand in your way because you can easily overcome them.

That’s one of the main intentions of life – to mold you into the man you’re destined to be. It constantly gives you the following:

Serving your highest purpose, life designs unique hindrances for you to tackle. Only by defeating them will you gain the required progress and evolution to become who you ultimately wish to be.

Closing Thoughts

Regardless of what impediments you’re facing, realize they are there to support you. Without them, you can’t experience blossom.

Those events are quintessential for you to mature and gain resilience.

You are powerful and masculine because you have conquered those adversities.

By doing your best during those challenging times while detached from the outcomes, you’ll give yourself an excellent chance to achieve success. But more important than materialistic rewards, you’ll become the man you’ve always aspired to be.

And that’s the purpose-driven way of living.

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