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Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

“Ask for help. Not because you are weak. But because you want to remain strong.”

― Les Brown

You Can’t Do Everything on Your Own

Taking on a leadership role for any task, I oftentimes require assistance. For example, when I volunteer to lead a group discussion, I must clearly communicate with my fellow teammates about the following:

Although always striving to be self-reliant, I realize I can’t do everything by myself. To achieve anything great, I need others’ help. Admitting I require assistance is a constant struggle. By lowering my guard and demonstrating inadequacy, I can be seen as weak.

However, I have learned this is the complete opposite.

Rather, courage is necessary to express vulnerability. This is the peak of masculinity. By displaying powerlessness, I’m open to criticism and attacks. Anyone can hurt me with disapproval and judgment. But through revealing my true self, I give others the opportunity to empathize and relate to me. And those who reciprocate will provide support.

Because by working together, we can accomplish amazing feats, which are highly improbable or impossible just by ourselves. As a result, we both win.

Despite the discomfort to ask for support, I trust in my powerful network of wholesome individuals. Our relationship with each other is strong because we view each other’s success as our own.

Hence, we want to help each other flourish. In times of need, we gladly give assistance to further reinforce our connection.

Asking for Support Requires Courage

All successful people have had help along the way. Look at all the great leaders in the world. With the support of their team members, they made sound and informed decisions. Although smart and knowledgeable, the most intelligent innovators surround themselves with people who are experts in their specific fields.

Driven by humility, they understand they don’t know everything. Hence, they value others’ opinions and are open to suggestions and ideas.

It is their courageous act of asking for help that allows others the opportunity to provide input.

As a strong masculine man, you want to be self-reliant. However, there will inevitably be times when you can’t do something on your own. Instead of struggling through it, ask for a cooperative hand.

And through confessing that you need assistance, you are showing bravery and honesty.

In addition, this valiant act signifies self-confidence and self-acceptance. You don’t feel the need to prove anything to anyone. You’re sufficient and comfortable with who you currently are. In doing so, others can trust and respect you more knowing you aren’t afraid of external attacks and criticism. Also, they realize your authenticity and willingness to express your truth.

Wholesome People Want to Help You

Just like you, high-value people want to help others. That’s because they believe in win-win scenarios. Then why is it so difficult for you to ask for support?

  1. Is it the fear of judgment?
  2. Or is your ego preventing you?

With the numerous people you can ask for assistance, it’s important to choose your allies carefully. To increase your chances of success, seek out help from those who embody the following traits:

After knowing what qualities to look for, the challenging part is finding and creating powerful relationships with those who have them. As you may already know, most people are self-centered and self-absorbed. Before aiding others, they subconsciously or consciously ask themselves:

“What’s in it for me? What can I benefit from helping this person?”

This is quite common in the world of sales. Hence, the word has a negative reputation. But to recognize high-quality people, look at their actions. This will reveal their level of commitment. Because the truth is this:

Everyone is busy.

We all have priorities. But if someone truly cares about you, they will make the time.

Examine all the important people in your life, they dedicate time and effort to deepen your connections. It may include the following:

And as for those you can’t depend on, it’s time to question those relationships. Ask yourself:

In any relationship, you will always win when you give more than you take. The key is to not keep score.

You can choose to aid others simply because you want to, despite lacking obvious benefits. Driven by compassion, you do it out of sincere generosity and kindness.

However, it’s important to distinguish the difference between wanted and forced help. The ladder will not work.

That’s because you can’t coerce others to do something unless they also genuinely want that for themselves. Therefore, don’t waste your time and energy on them. Rather, focus your effort on those who desire your assistance.

In doing so, you can help each other reach higher levels of happiness and success.

Closing Thoughts

Asking for help can be one of the most challenging tasks you can do. A simple scenario may be requesting direction when you’re lost in a new area.

By letting go of your ego, you can embrace your true self. In doing so, you break free from judgment and the need to be right.

This way, you can surrender and let others support you in where you want to go and what you desire to achieve.

You have helped many in your life. And they want to reciprocate that positivity. Give them the grand opportunity to support you on your journey.

This win-win mentality will propel you both to greater heights.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful.

Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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