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Stay True to Yourself and Attract Her with Your Best Self

Stay True to Yourself and Attract Her with Your Best Self

“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves. Imagine going through your day being unapologetically you.”

― Steve Maraboli

Stay True to Yourself

My most important discovery in life is my purpose – my reason for being here. It is the center of my universe.

This highest priority precedes everything else. However, that’s not to say other life aspects aren’t important. They certainly are.

But what drives me at the core is my mission. Regardless of what I have (or lack), I would still execute my deepest purpose.

For example, even if I have a beautiful partner, a loving social circle, an amazing body, and a thriving business, I would continue to carry out my calling. I won’t neglect it despite my circumstances.

While acknowledging others’ opinions, I don’t let them prevent me from formulating my own thoughts and ideas. That’s because I’m an autonomous man.

In terms of an intimate relationship, I stayed grounded in my beliefs and rid of the need to agree with other women. Presenting my true and best self, I either attract or repel them. If they like me, great. Otherwise, that’s fine too.

Detaching myself from any potential outcomes and knowing there are numerous women with who I’m compatible allows me to freely express myself. I’m not afraid of “messing up” by saying or doing the wrong things.

That way, she can see my authentic self right from the start.

Be Your Own Source of Happiness

It’s easy to feel happy when things are going your way. But what about when they aren’t?

Understand this important fact:

You can always choose happiness regardless of your current circumstances.

It’s a conscious decision.

Having the necessary uplifting tools in your arsenal is essential when dark times arise. But instead of using those outlets on a needed basis, perform them regularly. This way, it becomes a habit.

This may include doing invigorating and engaging things such as the following:

By engaging in them regularly, you become your own source of happiness. By not relying on others for contentment, you strip them of the unneeded pressure.

In your intimate connection, your partner can feel at ease knowing she is not responsible for your satisfaction. But as a wholesome and high-value woman, she inevitably adds to your overall level of happiness.

Fall in Love with Yourself First

The most important relationship you have is with yourself. This dictates your views on everything such as the following:

Only after having developed a healthy and loving relationship with yourself are you truly ready for a relationship. Before committing to a partner, ask yourself this important question:

“Am I willing to date myself?”

If you can honestly and enthusiastically say “yes,” list out your reasons. In addition, consider the following:

After you’ve created truthful and compassionate answers, you’re ready for a committed relationship. Coming from a loving place, you will add to your partner’s life and vice versa. One plus one is no longer two, but much more.

Working together, you two become an unstoppable force that will obliterate any barriers in your way. Through life’s valleys and peaks, your relationship will grow stronger and deeper. As a result, you will push each other to higher levels of intimacy, happiness, and success.

Closing Thoughts

Wherever you go, there you are. You and yourself are inseparable. Therefore, it’s paramount you have an affectionate connection with yourself.

While having others will add to your degree of happiness, they can’t be your true source. Genuine contentment must come from within. By not anchoring your satisfaction with people and external events, you can experience robust joy.

Take time to understand what makes you happy. Afterward, implement them in your daily life.

Once you learn how to do that, you’re self-sufficient. By doing so, you’re ready to enhance others’ intensity of contentment, which includes that of your woman.

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