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Blossom from Your Muddiest Times into Your Highest Self

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.”

― Steve Jobs

Embody the Unwavering Will to Persevere

One of the most amazing plants in the world is the lotus flower.

According to the ancient text, its many representations include spiritual enlightenment, rebirth, and revival.

And it’s no surprise that it’s symbolic in many cultures.

Determined to live, lotus seeds can still sprout for centuries even in the absence of water for thousands of years.

While the lotus flower is bloomly beautiful, the roots are submerged in murky water. And yet, the dirtiness is nowhere to be seen on its petals.

This logic-defining plant can only grow in the worst environment imaginable. Still, it blossoms into one of the most colorful flowers in the world.

With its waxy protection on its petals, the lotus flower re-blooms every morning, preserving its beauty, as magnificent as the day it was before. This continual cycle of self-resurrection makes the lotus leaf in a class of its own.

No matter how mucky its environment is, it has the unwavering will to live. Regardless of the circumstances, it rejects defeat. With the faith to continue on, the lotus leaf is a representation of strong mental fortitude and relentless perseverance.

Despite having numerous challenges and obstacles, it refuses to die. Instead, it accepts and confronts them.

This is its way of living and being.

Discover Your Unique Lessons

For every victory, it links back to a key decision. No matter how big or small, that person chose to take a risk. Despite not knowing what the outcome will be, he persisted and marched forward.

Think of all the major achievements you have accomplished.

Without the struggles, you wouldn’t learn to appreciate the wins. It’s because of those dark moments that made your triumphs that much sweeter and more meaningful. It’s a rollercoaster ride encompassing the entire human spectrum of emotions.

Without the negatives, you wouldn’t comprehend the value of the positives. And even in the midst of being in the pit, you learn to strive forward because nothing lasts forever. Knowing with each step forward, you’re that much closer to climbing out of the hole and embodying the newfound insights and expertise for your evolution.

You realize it’s in those setbacks and defeats which give you the lessons you need to grow and break through to the next level of your lifelong growth journey.

Take complete advantage of them. Fully embrace and honor those actualization opportunities.

In the future, you’ll look back and be grateful for them.

Create Your Life-Changing Transformative Story

In the muddiest times, you can blossom into the highest version. Thanks to those trials and tribulations, you gain the necessary wisdom and skills to be your best. By enduring and completing the process, you can teach others what you discovered.

No matter how deep you are in the dark cave, keep crawling and inching forward. Regardless of how long and arduous the road may be, keep marching ahead. Even though you can’t see it, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Keep trusting your heart and life’s process. And on the dimmest nights, let your courage and determination shine through your day and give you the hope you need to persevere.

Rise from the ashes, and turn your toughest challenges into transformative gifts that mold you into the ripened man who can overcome your future obstacles and create everything that you desire.

Realize this important fact:

You’re the only person who can fulfill your dreams and destiny.

No one else can do it for you. You’re the perfect person for the job. Your mission chose you because of your history, background, and experiences.

Closing Thoughts

Having the ability to put one foot in front of another despite not knowing what the outcome could be demands faithful courage. The bigger the fire, the stronger you’ll be after overcoming it.

Just like the lotus plant which blossoms into one of the most beautiful flowers in the world despite being in the dirtiest and murkiest environment found on planet Earth, he who conquers the most grueling and debilitating obstacles will evolve into his highest version.

Embrace your masculine energy and make an empowering decision. Take a risk even if you are uncertain of the outcome. Fight for something you wholeheartedly believe in.

Let that sense of purpose enliven you. Come alive and be present every day.

Have the courage to pursue your dreams. This way, regardless of what happens, you’ll know you gave it your best shot.

You’ll be one of the few brave souls who had the courage to live his dream.

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