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Show Up Powerfully By Creating Your Own Manifesto

“It is quality rather than quantity that matters.” 


Create Your Own Way of Being and Living

For me to be my best in the world, I live by my code of living – my manifesto. It’s a continuous work in progress. Currently, here are the nine laws I live by:

  1. I perfectly accept my imperfect self. I’m already 100% complete, whole, and enough for anything I want to do and achieve.
  2. I am my word. My word is my commitment as it creates my reality.
  3. I create space and time which allows for self-reflection, growth, hobbies, travel, goals, and creativity.
  4. I use money to support and fuel my lifestyle. It is the perfect expression of my creativity and quality of service in the world.
  5. I live fully and lead by example.
  6. I don’t take anything negative personally from others.
  7. I live every day as if it were my last. I only do things and spend time with people who are a “Hell Yeah!”
  8. I embrace, state, and live my truth.
  9. I enjoy every moment (positive, negative, and everything in between) of life as it’s a simply beautiful gift to be alive.

By regularly reviewing them, I remind myself of how I want to show up every day. This applies to every decision I make, especially those that carry more weight. 

This simplifies life and I only do things and spend time with people who excite me. That’s because life is too precious to squander on meaningless activities or hang out with those who are negative.

Create Time and Space to Self-Reflect

To have clarity of who you want to be and how you want to show up in the world, you must create your own set of rules to live by. 

To have complete solitude, you can spend some alone time in nature without the use of any electronics. Utilize a pen and paper and ask yourself deep and empowering questions. They may include the following:

Having the necessary space and time to meditate on these questions will allow you to cultivate your unique answers. With them, you can create a vision for yourself. In addition, you can generate your own way of living and how you want to be in the world.

This becomes your standard.

And whenever you compromise them, you are settling.

For example, in many romantic relationships, people are simply being together because they’re afraid of being alone. That’s because they feel more comfortable having someone in their life than enduring the journey alone.

They are doing it out of fear rather than love.

However, when you truly love yourself at a level ten, you wouldn’t want to be with anyone other than someone with who you’re deeply excited to be.

Although this occurrence is more prominent in intimate relationships, it’s also seen in platonic relationships.

If you find yourself spending time with people who are dragging you away from your goals, mission, and direction in life, then you generate the necessary self-respect to reduce and/or eliminate interactions with those individuals.

It might feel scary to leave them and walk alone. But realize this:

You’re far better off venturing by yourself in the right direction than following the crowd moving in the wrong path.

Choose no influence over misguidance.

By creating your own path and living with high standards, you will automatically attract others into your life who are on the same wavelength. As a byproduct, you also repel those who settle for mediocrity.

Being real, authentic, and congruent, you are aligning your priorities with actions. In doing so, you will be highly turned off by those who aren’t doing the same.

Be the Impactful Leader You Want to See in the World

Everything you do has an impact, no matter how big or small. This includes every word you say and every action you take. 

They all influence those around you, including yourself. You’re either reinforcing old habits or creating new ones.

As a leader, you have the power to impact and persuade. And modeling by example is one of the most powerful ways to guide. 

You build credibility because you are doing what you preach. Essentially, you are a living billboard of your beliefs and values.

Your actions are doing all the talking as they carry massive weight.

You will be an inspiration to those around you because they look up to you for direction. You’re their source of motivation and guidance.

Closing Thoughts

By having your own code of living, you are better equipped to become your most powerful version. 

With your standards, you have clarity in terms of what you can accept in life. You aren’t willing to settle for anything less than you deserve. By living with excellence, you’ll have less drama by not having people who possess second-class behavior.

You know exactly what type of social conduct you tolerate.

This also applies to your work. By only engaging in activities that are aligned with your values, you live with integrity and rid of the fear of missing out. That’s because what you’re always doing is the most important activity for you.

By having high standards for yourself, you will attract high-quality people into your life. And as a by-product, you will also repel those who aren’t.

Life is too valuable to waste away on meaningless engagements and incompatible people.

Deserve what you want by being your best and living an authentic life.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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