“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
― Lao Tzu
The Journey is the Reward
In October 2017, I hiked up Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the lower 48 states in the U.S.
The night before the ascent, I ate a nutritious dinner. Shortly after, I went to bed in preparation for the next morning. After a restful night of sleep, I put on my 40-pound backpack and excitedly started the hike.
On my journey, I took short breaks to enjoy the beautiful views around me. They included the following:
- Birds chirping on tree branches
- Water flowing down in the creeks
- Sun rising above the mountains
As I got higher in elevation, I noticed my pace decreased. It was because of the thin air in the atmosphere. To compensate, I had to slow down by taking smaller steps. In doing so, I didn’t overexert my body.
After reaching Trail Camp, I found a pleasant spot and set up my tent. After a short rest and talking to some of the backpackers in the area, I started marching towards the peak. My plan was to be up there and watch the sunset.
As I climbed higher, my speed got slower. Every step felt much more difficult than the previous one. There were times when I had to completely stop to catch my breath because my body wasn’t used to the low oxygen level.
Fully embracing that extraordinary moment, I appreciated all the hardships and difficult times along my trek. All the effortful work I put in was worthwhile.
Because of those intentional and deliberate performances, I was able to achieve my goal of arriving at the peak. And in the process, I grew stronger by pushing my body to its physical limit. In addition, I fortified my mental perseverance.
Eliminate Distractions
In our modern age of social media and instant gratification, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison and stagnation.
Not too long ago before the technology of smartphones and the internet, the only people you were able to communicate with were the following:
- Family members and relatives
- Friends in your communities
- Neighbors
However, now with a click of a button, you can see what the entire world is doing. They can be your favorite celebrities, mentors, or childhood friends.
Seeing all of their achievements, you’re challenged with not wanting to compare and wish to be where they are. To stay grounded, realize what they are portraying is their highlight reel containing the best moments. What is not shown are their nasty pains and monotonous grinds.
And most times, they don’t appear real because they want to project a positive image.
Today, it can be extremely difficult to stay rooted and present in life. However, realize this important revelation:
For every person who you feel has it better than you do, there’s someone who has it worse.
Instead of doing an upward contrast, implement a downward one by focusing on gratitude. Below are some common things you already have that you may take for granted:
- Your health – able-body, eyesight, sense of hearing, smell, touch, and taste.
- Paying job
- Loving and meaningful relationships – family and friends
- Materialistic things – working car, bed, and toothbrush.
Social media can be powerful. You can let it either:
1. Support you
2. Control you
You can choose the former and use it as a tool to empower you by choosing to follow positive people and ideas which inspire you to become better.
Although technology can be useful, you can unplug it. Try cutting out social media and limiting your use of electronics such as phones and see how your life will change.
By removing distractions, you rid of activities that pull you away from your goals. In return, you’ll gain time and space to focus on what truly serves you. They may include the following:
- Having meaningful conversations with others.
- Taking a cooking class and making delicious dishes.
- Learning how to dance in a room full of beautiful and elegant women.
Aim for excellence rather than success. And when you do that, you will eventually achieve your desires. It will only be a matter of time.
To remain content, appreciate the progress you have made thus far. Alter your definition of triumph to making advancements towards a meaningful goal.
You Are Exactly Where You Need to Be
If you’re constantly chasing something wishing you are somewhere else, you’ll always feel deficient. Until you have fully accepted and are truly satisfied with where you are now and with what you currently have, you won’t ever be, even after getting what you think will make you happy.
That’s because your temporary gain will eventually grow old and ordinary. Then you’ll yearn for something else.
Future happiness is unattainable because it’s elusive. There will always be something else you’ll want to chase.
- What happens after you have achieved that goal?
- What’s next?
- When will it be enough?
Rather than going for the next achievement, celebrate your wins and acknowledge your improvements. You have worked hard for them. Give them the commemoration they deserve.
If you’re always busy creating a great life, you can miss the grandest one of all, the life you are living right now.
And chances are high that if you’re not content on the journey, you also won’t be when you arrive at the destination. Take climbing a mountain as an example.
- If a helicopter had dropped you off at the peak, would you still feel the same level of satisfaction if you had made all the effort up there yourself?
- What about all the beautiful scenery you would have seen along the way?
- And the lessons you could have discovered through your struggles and hardships?
Without the process, you wouldn’t gain the growth and wisdom you have now.
By enduring the difficult times, you acquire mental fortitude by first recognizing any negative thoughts, and reframing them into empowering monologues.
In challenging times, you can remind yourself that tribulations are part of the learning and growing process. They’re there to produce your strengthened character.
Don’t skip the less beautiful parts of life and fast forward to the rainbows and butterflies.
Similar to a movie, the ending wouldn’t make sense nor fulfilling without every scene from beginning to end.
Our lives are the same way.
Don’t bypass the less desirable parts because they are there to make your story more meaningful. Also, they make you stronger and mold you into the person you can become.
What you know now is and always will be enough.
You’re also exactly where you need to be.
Your current situation is important for your self-discovery. Get the most out of it and learn the lessons you need for the next level of your evolution.
Breathe, relax, and enjoy the ride that is your life.
You don’t need to be in a hurry to be somewhere else. Don’t race towards the end, which is death.
The fun stops when you get there.
Therefore, squeeze every ounce of life and appreciate every single moment.
Closing Thoughts
After meeting your basic survival needs such as shelter, food, and clothing, everything else is a bonus.
It is ambitious to have goals and strive for more. However, don’t get too attached to the outcomes as they can lead to pain and suffering when you don’t achieve your desired results. Instead, focus on your effort in moving forward by making progress and the simple fact that you took action.
Choosing to be content with who you are now and with what you currently have is the key to enjoying life during the valleys.
The journey is why you’re here.
It’s your lifelong adventure.
Fully embrace life because that is your reward.
It’s your wonderful opportunity to live a human life.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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