“What you seek is seeking you.”
― Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi
Your Heart Knows the Way
Throughout my professional career, I have interviewed for many jobs.
And during all of them, I learned more about the company and my potential coworkers by asking engaging questions.
After gaining more knowledge about the interviewer and the organization, I either felt excited or indifferent about the new role.
This was made apparent during my interaction with everyone on the interview panel.
But for the other roles that thrilled me, I was given a job offer.
Reflecting back, although those moments of getting “rejections” from potential employers hurt, I’m grateful for them.
That’s because I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed them. Chances are high that I would have been miserable and wanted to find a different job.
By not getting accepted by the wrong roles, I was able to find the right ones that were aligned with my values.
As a result, I thrived in my employment since I enjoyed the job.
Always Do Your Best
With your job or business, strive to give your best efforts. This is not only for others’ benefit but yours as well.
That’s because by doing so, you’re strengthening your character by practicing the important habit of excellence.
And as for your relationships, treat others with respect and care. In return, those who value your kindness and efforts will reciprocate.
For those who don’t treasure you, let them go knowing you gave it your all to grow the relationship. Realize this:
Not everyone is meant to be in your life.
This important journey is yours to decide. Therefore, you must think critically and ask yourself difficult questions:
- “Who am I?”
- “What are my core values and beliefs?”
- “How do I want to live my life?”
Answering the above truthfully will give you clarity.
Choose Quality Over Quantity
As humans, we want to feel appreciated, valued, and loved. However, what if that’s lacking in key areas of your life? Ask yourself:
- “How would I feel if my employer didn’t value me?”
- “What if I am not loved by my partner?”
- “Would I keep spending time with people who don’t appreciate me?”
Truly loving yourself and having an abundance mindset, you will choose self-love and not settle for anything less than you deserve. To evaluate the situation, ask yourself the following:
- “Do they respect my boundaries?”
- “Are they reliable?”
- “Do they respect my time?”
- “Are they compassionate, genuine, and generous?”
- “Do they hold themselves accountable for their mistakes and try to amend the situation?”
- “Are they a person of integrity and follow their words with action?”
- “Can they keep what I share with them confidential?”
- “Are they open-minded and give you the benefit of the doubt?”
- “Do they only contact me when they need something?”
Additionally, contemplate these fundamental questions:
- “Do I like and trust this person?”
- “Am I excited to spend time with this individual?”
- “Does he or she add value to my life?”
A mental exercise that you can do is this.
Imagine you saw this person as you’re walking down the street, would you want to excitedly greet this individual or would you rather look the other way?
When you live with high standards, you will naturally attract individuals who can meet them. No matter where you are right now, realize this important fact:
Closing Thoughts
Relationships go beyond just with other people. It starts with us.
How we relate to ourselves will directly impact how we interact with everything else in the world. It may include the following:
- Job
- Partner
- Friends
- Food
- Living space
In all of your engagements, they are either pushing you forward with energy to do empowering activities or pulling you away from them.
Along your journey, there will inevitably be some relationships, jobs, or businesses that won’t last. Treat them as blessings and realize not everyone and everything is going to be with you throughout your entire life.
They have served their purpose and now belong in the past. You can practice contentment with the following three steps:
- Give thanks that they have helped shape you into the person you are today.
- Be glad about what you currently have to assist you on your path.
- Feel excited you’ll create more in the future.
When things don’t work out, understand this distinction:
There’s no right or wrong. It’s a just matter of compatibility.
Continue to move forward and eventually you will find the right fit.
And when that time arrives, you’ll have a greater level of appreciation because you have grasped the difficulty of finding such a rare gem.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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