“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Be a Living Billboard of Your Message
After helping many people become better versions of themselves, I have learned leading by example is one of the most effective ways of catalyzing lasting transformation.
When others come to me for advice, I do one of the following:
- Tell them stories of myself or others.
- Ask self-discovery and empowering questions.
This allows them the opportunity to find the lessons they’re searching for. Since this is a process that requires time, it’s rare people will locate those answers on the first attempt.
Simply by hearing about my life, habits, and standards, others get motivation and inspiration to get started.
Talking is easy.
And what can be difficult is committing to my words, especially during times of resistance such as when I feel tired or simply don’t want to do what I said I would.
However, deep down I realize it must be done because it’s congruent with my heart and highest desire. It’s only through following my words with an effort that I feel fulfilled and whole knowing I can trust myself.
In addition to creating self-belief, I also establish that with others when I keep my word to them.
When I say what I mean and mean what I say, others can rely on me knowing I will execute my promise.
To them, my words have become my commitment.
And choosing to stay true to my core values, I will always speak my truth while being considerate of others.
Honor Your Word
Action speaks volumes because it requires effort and discipline.
This means doing what may not be easy, but is necessary to achieve your desired results.
By keeping your word, everything you say holds substantial weight. Subconsciously, you have made a commitment to your words.
Through practicing alignment of your actions and intentions, you model for those around you. This is especially applicable if you’re a parent.
That’s because leading by example is a powerful way to influence your children since they are like a sponge that absorbs everything they hear and see.
- Apologize to those for any inconvenience you may have caused.
- Do your best to fix the situation.
- Ask for your word back if appropriate and necessary.
For example, if you made plans to meet up with someone and something has happened which prevents you from doing so, you can say something along these lines:
“Hey [name], something came up (provide the honest reason) and I can’t meet you at this time and location. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Since I’m in the wrong and value our relationship, I want to find another time and place that works for you. Please let me know.”
This communicates your care for the relationship. By taking full responsibility for your action, you are maintaining trust with the other person.
They can see you are being accountable by apologizing when you’re at fault. And lastly, you are taking the initiative to amend the situation by proposing future plans.
Respect Yours and Others’ Time
Time, a valuable asset, is finite.
Pay yourself the utmost respect by spending it wisely. Additionally, also treasure that of others.
You can do so by being punctual.
To lower the chances of delay, you can give yourself extra time for unexpected delays such as heavy traffic or time needed for parking.
By not being late, you demonstrate to others you value their time.
If others don’t have that merit, communicate effectively your thoughts and feelings to them while being considerate.
And if they don’t reciprocate, question the mutuality of the relationship. By allowing this type of behavior to prolong, you’re essentially training them to depreciate your time.
Operating from this excellence mindset, you’ll create and maintain only relationships that can uphold your values and standards.
Closing Thoughts
The words you choose to speak with can hold massive weight if you can follow through with them.
All that matters is this:
- Did you complete what you say you were going to do?
You can either have results or excuses, but you cannot have both.
To be impeccable with your words is not easy, as it’s a dedicated practice.
It requires resilience and determination to follow through your words with action.
If you are able to live in that place, what you say will hold gravity since you’re a man of your word. You will generate trust with others and also yourself because of your proven track record of unwavering commitment.
Additionally, you’re honoring yourself and others by always doing your best.
And if you fall short, acknowledge the fault and take ownership and liability for it.
As your continuous practice of excellence expands, you can harness that disciplined habit which will allow you to produce anything you set your mind to.
Show up powerfully by following through your words with committed action.
That way, your world becomes your reality.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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