“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
― H. Jackson Brown Jr
Treasure Life
Life is precious.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
The only thing which is definite is this present moment.
My life is numbered and I’m uncertain when I will take my last breath.
And to live a fulfilling life, I must live a life true to myself.
This requires the courage to follow my heart and intuition and live authentically. This is the only way to minimize any regrets I have at the end of my life.
When the inevitable time comes to face death, I can reflect back and smile knowing that I put it all out there and left nothing in the tank.
My one-shot in life was worthwhile and there’s no need to redo any of it.
Now, I can rest in peace empty of regrets.
“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”
― Bruce Lee
Reach Mastery
To grow, I must choose discomfort.
That’s not to say I won’t have moments of comfort to relax and recover. However, the problem arises when I stay there for too long and my life becomes stagnant, stale, and uninspiring.
To feel enlivenment and experience growth, I must do things that I’m afraid of. And by completing them, I’m glad I followed through.
Examples may include the following:
- Starting a conversation with that attractive woman I see across the room
- Giving an impromptu speech in front of a group of strangers
- Rock climbing a route that’s slightly beyond my current capability
- Writing an article on a passionate topic while sharing a personal story
By doing what scares me the most, I experience the greatest growth.
To overcome them, I must continue to work through those mundane times. By doing so, I am that much closer to a breakthrough.
It’s in those struggles which I learn the most.
Despite making little to no progress, I march forward.
And at times feeling stuck, I must take a step back to evaluate the situation while not immersed in it.
This way, I can analyze my circumstances as if I’m helping a friend. In a way, I’m being my own coach and trying to see my blind spots.
Growth happens under challenge.
It’s similar to building muscle. I must break down the ones I currently have during a workout. Then afterward, they can rebuild into bigger ones with proper nutrients and recovery.
In life, I only have the following two options:
- Growth
2. Death
By choosing growth, I have adopted the mindset of continuous improvement daily. And over time, these small actions add up to huge gains.
That’s what gives me fulfillment.
Knowing I can push myself to new limits and see what I am truly capable of.
And through committed actions, I have broken restrictions of what I once thought was impossible.
To continually challenge me, I create designed obstacles for my unique path. By doing those activities, I come most alive.
And when I don’t feel excited about life, that’s when I know I must start taking more risks and get out of my comfort zone.
The challenge can be physical, mental, or even spiritual.
It’s a lifelong practice.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
― St. Augustine
Create Experiences
Traveling has provided me with new perspectives by learning about other cultures.
As a tourist in a new place, I get to see things with a fresh pair of eyes. This allows me to stay present and curious.
And through having engaging conversations with others and being immersed in their world, I learn their way of living.
By getting out of my own bubble which is my hometown, I can see the abundant amount of history, language, behavior, and way of thinking around the world.
Additionally, it helped me with the cultivation of humility as there’s an enormous amount of knowledge in the world to be learned.
Traveling alone has taught me self-reliance and self-confidence knowing that I can trust myself.
While exploring alone, I was forced to get out of my comfort zone such as speaking in foreign languages and mingling with strangers.
It is in those times, I have learned not to take the ability to communicate with the same language for granted.
Visiting other places has also provided me with a deep breath of stories, which I can share with others.
The most important discovery through going to numerous locations is this:
I have learned to prioritize experiences over things.
Adopting this mindset, I have created an essential lifestyle by only owning things that add value to my life.
Because by possessing fewer things, I have more time and energy to focus on the important areas of life.
Closing Thoughts
Every day is an opportunity for creativity.
You have the ability to build something special and unique for yourself.
Deep down, you have the intuition and calling of what that is. Listen to your heart, and start by taking an atomic step.
Explore and see where that leads you.
Trust in the process.
You will discover what fulfills you.
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