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Create Your Unique Environment That Fulfills Your Wants and Needs

“Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you. Spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved.”

― Roy T. Bennett

Take A Chance on Yourself

In 2013, I made a difficult decision to leave everything I had built and start anew.

After accepting a new job, I moved to a new city with no friends or family members.

Wanting something different, I changed my environment by uprooting myself and moving to a new location.

Reflecting back, I gained many intangible qualities. Because of the evolution I had acquired, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Not having friends within close proximity, I had to forge new connections. And the people that truly cared about me maintained contact.

With more time, I discovered new hobbies while deepening existing ones. Following my curiosity with an open mind, I tried new activities such as the following:

By learning to rely on myself, I gained the following intrinsic skills.

Since I strategically chose my location close to the beach, other tangible benefits included the following:

As an introvert, I value alone time to recharge and center myself. Afterward, I can show up powerfully.

However, this cannot happen when I am constantly surrounded by others, especially those who are toxic and negative.

Therefore, it’s imperative I select an environment that best fits my personality and preferences.

By doing so, I can strive to be my best.

Selecting the “Right” Environment

Uprooting your current life and relocating to somewhere can take many things you currently have away from you.

Before making any decision, it’s important to consider both the drawbacks and the benefits of all scenarios. With those available, you can select the best choice for you.

Common with new changes, the initial hurdle is usually the most difficult part. But once you are able to overcome that, the rest becomes relatively easy as you build forward momentum.

By having an environment that allows you to be in a better state, everything you do ripples from that condition.

Realize this:

Although you may not change others as it must come from within, you can however change who you want to surround yourself with.

Take sports as an example. Most championship-caliber teams consist of great individual athletes who also function well in a team.

In the offseason or before the trading deadline, the management team is constantly looking for talents to upgrade their roster in an effort to win the trophy.

Viewing yourself in the same light, you can add individuals to your life by choosing those who can influence, inspire, and encourage you to be better.

To do this, you can search for local communities or virtually. And if there aren’t any, you can create your own tribe of like-minded people with similar interests, values, goals, and visions.

When together, you all can accelerate your growth and make your adventures that much more fun and memorable.

Host Catered Events

Regardless of your location, you can find your unique niche.

This is possible in the age of the internet which allows people from all over the world to communicate.

And if there aren’t any spaces that interest you, you can create them.

This means organizing events to attract wholesome individuals into your life.

By taking the lead and being proactive, you can meet new people everywhere you go.

And once you have made trustful connections, you can begin hosting gatherings by inviting everyone you know. By also asking them to invite their friends, you can expand your social network.

Additionally, you’ll probably get along with your friends’ friends since people, in general, tend to have friends who are like themselves.

When you can surround yourself with others who share similar values and have the results that you want, you naturally will be pulled forward to do the same through osmosis.

They can be your greatest ally to propel you to become who you aspire to be.

By having uplifting and encouraging conversations, they can provide wisdom and guidance to allow you to think differently and see new perspectives you didn’t have before.

They can help you break through challenges and identify your blind spots.

Since healthy relationships are mutual, you can also support others through listening or providing tangible value.

And when you can aid others, you are also helping yourself by further ingraining the lessons you teach that much more.

Closing Thoughts

Our environment plays an important part in life.

On an unnoticeable level, they can influence our daily choices and behaviors.

They may range from the food we eat and the people we spend our time with.

Creating your ideal habitat takes continuous effort to remove what is no longer relevant and keep what is important.

And by allowing time and space for yourself, you can renew your fondness for your work, relationships, and surrounding.

Understand this:

Changing your environment is a choice you can make.

And in the rare times which you cannot, then you can change yourself to see with a different perspective.

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