“The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day.”

– O. A. Battista
Loving Support and Presence
On most weekends, I would visit my family, and seeing my niece is one of my favorite parts.
Instantly after seeing me, my niece smiles and calls me uncle. Then she excitedly jumps into my arms and embraces me.
Her excitement is contagious and makes me feel loved and appreciated. Her affectionate act makes me think this is the only place I want to be right now.
On other occasions, her jubilance causes her to erupt into dancing. Quickly after that, she hugs and kisses me on the cheek.
By being fully present, I provide her with attention and affection, which further deepens our bond.
You Are Born Complete and Free
During play, my niece expresses herself without doubts or constraints. In her mind, she can do what pleases her.
Unless during times of potential immediate physical injuries, I am hesitant to tell her what she cannot do.
That’s because I don’t want to infiltrate her mind with my beliefs.
Rather, I want my niece to create her own through doing and self-discovery.
Since the moment you were born, you have created many memories and experienced many events. They all have contributed to shaping who you currently are.
Everything in the past had to occur the way it did to create the person you are today.
Some of those key incidents may have caused emotional injuries, scars, or traumas which may still be buried deep underneath the conscious mind.
And without proper internal work and healing, these inner wounds can prevent you from living fully and expressing deep authenticity.
Inevitably through the years of childhood experience and parental conditioning, you have stories beaten into you that cause you to think and act a certain way in order to be accepted by others.
These “shadows” are qualities and thoughts you have learned to suppress, hide, or eliminate because they are not aligned with societal rules.
It’s your past associations, social constructs, and obligations that have confined you with your current self.
Rather than fighting against them, you can acknowledge, accept, and embrace them, just like you do with the “lights” – the traits and actions that you “should” have and do.
Light and shadow can coexist together.
Just like a child, he or she can perform naughty behaviors, yet can be still loved by others.
If you want to get rid of those beliefs which aren’t truly yours that are holding you back from unleashing your full potential, you must choose courage and look into your past and confront those events which may evoke emotional pain.
Only when you peel back the many layers of constraint can you truly free yourself and start to create your own definition of life.
Treasure the Small Beautiful Moments
My niece is growing quickly right before my eyes.
When spending time with her, I can feel her pure love and affection, which are priceless.
Not yet tainted by the outer world, she doesn’t want money or toys.
Rather, she simply wants to be seen, heard, and loved by others.
And through her unbiased and innocent perspective, my niece fully expresses herself by constantly pushing boundaries.
At times, I’m forced to stay grounded amidst her emotional outbursts and irrational plays.
As an uncle, I can say there are many moments of frustration and even anger.
However, there is also plenty of abundant times of significance and growth, which make the entire process of being an uncle worthwhile.
In life, there are certain events we don’t get a second chance to redo, such as being a loving father or uncle to our children, nephew, and nieces.
Therefore, spend your time wisely to minimize your amount of regrets.
And when your time is up, you can look back and be grateful for those unforgettable times that have made your journey fulfilling, worthwhile and memorable.
Closing Thoughts
As humans, we were all born free and whole.
But through the years of living in society, we have numerous narratives beaten into us that have made us feel less than others.
And through the self-discovery process and remembering who we truly are before all the external conditions and beliefs, we can reclaim our wholesome selves.
Recall your innocence and curiosity in your inner child.
Start from that place.
Then give to others what you want.
Because by doing that, you’ll receive that in return.
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