“If you don’t know what you want, you’ll never find it. If you don’t know what you deserve, you’ll always settle for less. You will wander aimlessly, uncomfortably numb in your comfort zone, wondering how life has ended up here. Life starts now, live, love, laugh and let your light shine!”

― Rob Liano
Start with Your Core Values
To find a compatible woman to add and complement my life, I must first understand myself on a deep level. This requires knowing what is truly important to me such as my top core values:
- Health
- Continuous growth
- Contribution
- Freedom
- Integrity
That’s because I would want a compatible partner to have similar principles such as regularly practicing the following:
- Exercise
- Eat healthily
- Meditate
- Design challenges for herself
- Contribute to a meaningful cause bigger than herself
Additionally, we may have common interests such as the following:
- Traveling
- Hiking and/or backpacking
- Enjoying deep intimacy and sexual connection
- Conversing in engaging and significant conversations
By having a partner with who I can grow and celebrate life, we can experience the following:
- Inspire confidence in each other
- Appreciate each other’s presence
- Express each other’s love language
- Generate more compassion for ourselves and others
- Portray brutal honesty, vulnerability, transparency, and integrity with each other
- Growth as a team
- Perform physical activities together
Realizing her importance and to further develop the relationship, I continually date her.
By having her sweet and playful feminine essence by my side, I can grow more than I could on my own. In return, I provide her with love and support by being her anchor during her emotional chaotic storms.
It’s a beautiful dance between our masculine and feminine energy.
And by being in a loving relationship, we are able to set each other free, which requires continuous efforts from both of us.
Create a Vision for Ideal Partner and Relationship
To know what you want in a partner (and in life), you must first understand yourself at a deep level. This may require many years of discovery work through exploration and remembrance.
That’s because the only way to know if you enjoy (or dislike) something is to try it with full commitment.
This demands having an open mind to attempt new activities.
Additionally, by temporarily removing yourself from those closest to you such as parents or close friends, you can create the space to learn more about yourself without familiar external influences.
In essence, you can start to build your own self-induced core values and beliefs.
Once you have realized what is truly important to you, ask yourself:
- “What qualities do I want in my partner?”
- “How can we grow individually and as a team?
- “What does it feel like to be with her?”
And usually, what you want in an ideal partner is very similar to the traits and activities that you appreciate and practice.
Because when combined, this will allow the relationship to thrive by being able to achieve, experience, and love more than you could on your own.
By actively working on yourselves, you two can further develop the relationship as a whole.
Therefore, it’s critical to choose a partner who has the following traits:
- Growth-oriented
- Open-minded/hearted
- Receptive to help (coachable)
By embodying the above qualities, your partner can try new ways of doing and view the world from different perspectives.
This can lead to having healthy, functional, and constructive disagreements by treating each other with kindness and respect, rather than being defensive, argumentative, or combative.
Occasional debates are beneficial to deepen the connection when done properly with skills needed for repair and strengthening.
This further advances your conflict resolution skills.
Empathy is another important trait when considering a partner.
This ability enables her to put herself in others’ shoes to experience their emotions, feelings, thoughts, and ideas.
As a result, she can better relate to you.
And lastly, being compassionate is a crucial quality.
This can prevent her need to be always right, by not letting her ego take control.
Although there could be many deep-rooted causes, one may be the insecurity of not wanting to be wrong since that can make her appear unintelligent and possibly ridiculed for it.
Finding and Attracting Your Dream Woman
After generating a vision for your ideal mate and relationship, the next step is to build a plan for self-development. Ask yourself:
“Who do I need to become to attract her into my life?”
List out all the qualities you want in yourself.
And as you continually grow while discovering and/or living your purpose, you may add to it.
The key is this:
You must deserve what you want in a partner by first becoming a man who is attractive to her.
This is a process that requires time and dedicated work.
And while living a fun, vibrant, and active life, you’ll cross paths with an abundant amount of attractive women. And at that moment, you can choose to have initial interactions with them.
To maintain focus along the way, practice these three important steps:
- Clearly know your desired outcome while not being attached to it
- Notice your current progress
- Make adjustments to your existing strategy when necessary to achieve different results
Along this path, there will be some inevitable setbacks.
Understand that they are part of it.
Give yourself breaks during the passage and enjoy the fun process.
It’s merely a matter of compatibility.
And when you feel stuck, ask for help. Realize that you can’t do everything on your own.
Closing Thoughts
Building yourself and finding your dream partner requires commitment.
And despite meeting an enormous amount of women, you may still have yet found her. And in those challenging times, you can reinvigorate your hope and clarity by visualizing finally being with her.
Ask yourself:
“How do I feel when I am with a sweet, feminine, and loving partner?”
One day your paths will cross.
And when that time comes, you both will be excited and ready to have each other.
She is on her way.
This is not for her, but for you.
That’s because your life goes on with or without her.
She’s only the icing on the cake that is your already beautiful life.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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