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Keep All Aspects of Life Flowing with Dedicated and Consistent Effort

awareness, consistency, effort, flow, qi gong, vitality, work, yoga“The idea is that flowing water never goes stale, so just keep on flowing.”

― Bruce Lee

Prolong Vitality

On my quarterly self-reflection in solitude, I backpack into the mountains exploring new trails and lakes. 

For my most recent trip, I went to a National Forest in California. 

To prepare for the trip, I pack the essentials, which includes my water filtered bottle. That’s because I need potable water during my three to five-day stay.

To prolong the lifetime of my water filter, I chose the cleanest water which is typically found in flowing streams.

This is opposed to getting dirty liquid from lakes that are stagnant which may be covered with the following:

These contaminated areas have become this way due to the lack of current flow which has caused them to be stale, enervated, and contaminated.

I would avoid them at all costs unless I absolutely must.

That’s because if I were to filter that type of water, it would significantly reduce the lifespan of my water filter.

Since water is vital to my survival, I chose to drink the highest quality possible so I can be energized while replacing what has been spent and turned to waste.

Practice Self-Awareness

To fully energize the body, it requires the essentials such as water, nutrients, and oxygen.

Fortunately, the habits of regularly eating, drinking, and breathing are hardwired to the human brain through many years of evolution and survival.

Even while sleeping, breath is done automatically and unconsciously.

To increase your awareness, perform a body scan and ask yourself:

Practicing these internal physical check-ins can allow you to stay present.

By feeling the sensations in your body, you are bringing attention to those areas. And for parts that are sensitive, amplify it by increasing tensity with your hands, props such as a foam roller, or a massage ball. 

Common examples of body blockages may include the following:

To increase flow in tight areas, you can perform Qi Gong (energy work) which is an effective way to bring vitality into all parts of the body. This practice focuses on the movement and energy transport and pulsation by triggering acupuncture points in the body.

Another powerful method is performing yoga which can invigorate the body with postures and deep inhalation and relaxation.

This is especially helpful after waking since many parts of the body can be stale without intentional breath during sleep.

And to create pathways to those clots, you can direct conscious oxygen into them to increase liveness. 

Imagine that part of the body having “lungs” and visualize the rising (strengthening) when you inhale and sinking (relaxing) as you exhale.

By allowing energy to move in a circular motion, you give freshness to the body while removing the stale and old.

Consistent Effort

Similar to the body which requires a consistent energy source to be alive and vibrant, every aspect of your life does as well.

To keep each facet flourishing, you must put in the regular effort. 

This means having the awareness to know which parts are lacking, then dedicate necessary work into those areas.

Only by bringing those which have been neglected to the surface can the issues be addressed. 

You can give attention to these matters by simply feeling them – sit with yourself in silence and allow the emotions to arise.

By acknowledging the sensations, you are giving them the opportunity to exit your body as they could have been trapped for many years without attention and processing.

Through getting in touch with your body, you are connecting deeper with yourself. Essentially, you are practicing to be in touch with all that is of the loving feminine essence.

And the greater you are able to relate to your own physicality, the better you will empathize with the feminine, including most women.

Start by shedding light onto those body parts that may have been long ignored such as the following:

While you strive for self-reliance, honor this important fact:

You cannot do everything on your own.

Even those who are on the top of their craft have a team of supporters helping them.

Therefore, it is crucial to reach out for help so you can heal easier and faster. Professional help may include the following:

They can give you the guidance and space you need to go deep within yourself to pinpoint your epicenter for emotional, psychological, and physical pain.

Closing Thoughts

Oxygen is a fundamental life source that keeps us alive. 

Similarly, preserving all parts of life requires consistent effort. And for those that have been stale demands intentionality to bring them aliveness.

This will allow new energy to move through, and in the process remove the old.

Having awareness allows you to realize when a certain part is blocked and stale.

Feel your body, emotions, and present experience. Because deep down, your heart and intuition have the answers.

Listen to your inner self and set yourself free.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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