“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

― Maya Angelou
Resolute Commitment
In the past, I’ve had to remove many people from my life because of their lack of consistency. Trusting their words, I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
And as years have gone by, I’ve learned to trust their actions instead.
That’s because talking is futile, while following through requires dedication and work. Oftentimes, I can gauge one’s level of integrity simply by watching his or her behavior.
This shows their fundamental character which translates to how they treat themselves and others.
Realizing that most people don’t typically change unless a catastrophic event has occurred in their life, I’ve learned to believe my initial interaction with them.
While a catalyst can make them grow into a better version of themselves, people can only change if they truly want that for themselves.
Otherwise, it becomes coerced. And this could lead to resentment and blame in the future.
The victim may say the following:
- “You made me do this.”
- “I did this for you.”
- “You caused all this.”
By giving away their power, they are not taking full responsibility for their life.
The truth is this: No one can make me do anything I don’t want to.
That’s because I always have the power to choose, despite certain consequences.
- “Are these dialogues serving me?”
- “Do they empower me to become who I want to be?”
- “Are these stories aligned with my values?”
And always choosing self-love, I would let go of beliefs that restrict me from unleashing my full potential.
I realize that the only person that can stop me from doing anything is myself.
Practice Self-Love
To create a loving life, you will choose what is best both for you and others, without compromising your values.
In terms of relationships, you will spend time with those who truly value and appreciate you.
As a result, you both feel excited to see one another.
This is especially true for your romantic partner with who you are friends first.
In her presence, you feel safe sharing about anything and everything without the fear of not being accepted.
You choose to be with your mate because you believe she is the best woman for you and how deeply you two are connected through continuous effort and investment into the partnership.
This is as opposed to being with someone who you know deep down isn’t a good fit. This can cause you to wonder if there is another woman out there who is better for you.
The doubts can lead to infidelity in form of cheating and/or fantasy through pornography.
Operating from a place of self-love, you would rather choose to be alone than be with a woman who you aren’t excited about.
By creating this space, time, and energy for yourself, you can find a partner who will add to your life by the following:
- Enriching your experiences
- Creating loving and exciting memories
- Balancing sexual energy
- Conversing in intimate conversations
You can build your dream relationship with your ideal partner.
This also applies to creating your dream job and/or business.
By choosing self-love in terms of employment, you would work for an employer who truly values you – paying you the market rate and demonstrating appreciation for your dedicated efforts.
This requires brutal honesty with yourself when your job and/or business is not working. As for a business, avoid the entrepreneurial rat race with the following:
- Build teams for delegation
- Create automation
- Hire great talent
- Eliminate unnecessary tasks
Having these supports will allow you to free yourself from the business while creating an impact and income doing what matters most to you.
This will allow you the time and energy to focus on what you want to do.
Throughout life, you will inevitably be challenged with difficult situations. In those moments, ask yourself the following powerful questions:
- “If I truly love myself, would I allow this to happen?”
- “What would I choose to do instead?”
- “What do I truly deserve?”
That’s because it takes two people to make a relationship work.
By investing in the relationship, you are giving others the opportunity to show their character through their actions. And usually, once is enough.
That’s because people don’t change overnight, although commitment and decisions can.
Real and lasting transformation is a slow and gradual process.
And as for job/ business, stay true to your values and your vision.
When necessary, make pivots, and continue to add tangible value to others and they will gladly pay for your products and/or services.
Practice Impeccable Integrity
To achieve tangible results in your life, you will have to do what is necessary to get those outcomes.
For example, most people know how to get a healthy physical body.
The challenging part is doing consistent work which may consist of the following:
- Eating healthy food
- Exercising regularly
- Getting sufficient restful sleep and recovery
Action is gold.
It’s common to get motivated and inspired at the moment, but it is another to align your future self with your present self.
How you spend your time doing speaks loudly of your priorities in life.
It comes down to how much you care.
Ask yourself: “How important is this person (or activity) to me?”
If you truly value and appreciate someone, you will make time and energy for that person.
This also applies to what you truly want in life.
By taking action strategically, you will get your desired outcome which can vary with time. And listening to life’s direct feedback, you’ll learn to make adjustments and become better at your craft.
As for relationships, that adds another layer of variability having another person. However, what makes connections lasting and meaningful are the individuals’ character and willingness to invest in each other.
Because when both parties value and are committed to one another, they will find a solution with time and effort. That’s the formula for thriving and loving relationships.
Closing Thoughts
Since birth, we have been beaten with numerous stories.
It’s through the years of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
We have picked up beliefs from all around us such as parents, teachers, friends, and media culture. It’s important to question those narratives. Ask yourself:
- “What stories do I have?”
- “Are they allowing me to become who I want to be?”
- “Do they belong to me?”
By challenging your beliefs, you’ll start to gain awareness of any disempowering stories that are based on fears that don’t serve you.
To counter this, you can align your values with your actions to achieve your goals. And most importantly, become who you want to be.
Embracing the warrior spirit and choosing to improve out of love, you will enhance. And when that happens, everything else around you will also grow because they are simply extensions of who you are.
Any superficial gains only amplify your character.
For example, if you are generous, you will be willing to donate and give away what you have. As opposed to feeling the opposite, never is enough for you.
You are the root of all things in your life.
By committing to your deepest truth, you will inevitably develop your authentic character with impeccable integrity.
As a byproduct, you will also gain tangible results with consistent efforts and realize their real value.
By doing so, you deserve what you desire because you have earned it.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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