“Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now, you are a whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else. Your completeness must be understood by you and experienced in your thoughts as your own personal reality.”
― Wayne Dyer
Internal Fulfilled Life
In my early 20s, I believed that my self-worth was based on external possessions.
They included the following:
- Having the perfect job for a sense of purpose
- Acquiring a fit body to feel strong
- Possessing a fancy car and big house to feel successful
- Finding my dream woman to experience confidence
But after attaining all those achievements, I did not obtain lasting satisfaction.
Deep down, I sought out the following:
- Love
- Permission
- Approval
- Acceptance
- Understanding
- Respect
- Appreciation
To discover lasting fulfillment and happiness, I went on a personal growth journey. And after doing the internal work, I realized this:
There’s no external thing, experience, or person who can fill any void I have.
That’s because only I can make myself whole and complete.
From the moment I was born, I already have everything I will ever need inside me to be happy, successful, and fulfilled.
That’s something I have forgotten through societal conditioning.
While others can add to my level of happiness, the main source must come from within me.
Additionally, I must put in the work and further develop myself to create beneficial opportunities and reciprocal relationships.
Internalizing from a place of abundance, I can share with others.
That’s because I cannot give what I don’t have.
Only after filling my internal cup can I give freely without the expectation of anything in return.
By focusing on a self-fulfilled life, I worked through my inner challenges.
And when I am in love with myself, everything else in the external world is simply an extension of who I am.
Any extra achievements or bonus gains are amplifications of my character.
Release Society’s Definition of Success
On a regular basis, you are bombarded with advertisements.
These are tactics marketers use to make you feel insufficient and lacking. In return, these companies want you to buy their products and services for their own interest in making money.
And through continuous exposure to the media, commercials, billboards, and online posts, you eventually feel the need to have these “things” to fit in, especially if your intermediate circle of people is also doing the same.
Hence, it’s critical to be aware of your influences.
In today’s society, we all need money to meet our basic survival needs, and that amount can vary depending on your location.
But after reaching that quantity, any more of it doesn’t add to your level of happiness which has been proven by psychologists.[1]
Realizing that, you can formulate your own definition of success according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which includes the following:
- Physiological – breathing, food, water, shelter, clothing, sleep
- Safety – health, employment, property, family, and social stability
- Love & belonging – friendship, family, intimacy, sense of connection
- Esteem – confidence, achievement, respect for others, the need to be a unique individual
- Self-actualization – morality, creativity, spontaneity, acceptance, the experience of purpose, meaning, and inner potential
This translates to focusing on steps three through five by creating loving relationships and investing in your personal development.
And through working on yourself, you will grow. And as a result, everything else will as well.
Continuous Growth
To strive for eternal evolution, you can play the long game.
This means staying committed even when the road gets challenging and not jumping onto something else which may seem easy.
Realize this:
Every goal you commit to will have its hurdles.
Therefore, it’s essential for you to continue the course and persevere despite setbacks.
Regardless of the amount of progress you’re making, the most important thing is this:
You are in the arena fighting for what matters most to you.
By taking risks and constantly stepping out of your comfort zone, you will inevitably grow.
The byproduct is the external achievements or results.
But the main objective is who you are becoming – a man with new skillsets, abilities, and confidence to go after your desires.
Through choosing delayed gratification, you learn to appreciate the journey of dedicated work to mold you into a more powerful version of yourself.
To avoid feeling unmotivated, it’s critical that you don’t compare yourself to others.
That’s because people tend to share their highlight reel, and they rarely broadcast what’s truly going on.
If you were to compare yourself to anyone, the only logical person would be your former self.
By looking at how far you have come since the start, you can learn to enjoy the journey more by appreciating the progress you have made, and the simple fact that you are on the path.
And the most loving and selfless gift you can give to yourself and others is to grow.
That’s because when you improve, everything else also enhances, including all of your relationships.
Closing Thoughts
The moment we were born, we were already whole and complete.
Just as we adore and love newborn babies, we were once like that too.
And at some point on the journey of life, we have forgotten who we truly are – our natural state of love, happiness, and fullness.
Therefore, part of the personal growth journey is to come back to the wholesome place that we may have lost touch with.
And this requires going inwards and doing internal work such as facing your demons through fully accepting your previous experiences, making peace with the present, and embracing the uncertainty of the future.
Afterward, you can form new belief systems and more importantly, remember who you truly are.
You are love.
Everything you are looking for to make you feel “enough” on the outside can only be truly found within you.
You have the ability to create what you want in the world.
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Footnote References:
[1]Kahneman, D., and A. Deaton. “High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107.38 (2010): 16489-6493.