“The only person stopping you from doing something is yourself.”
— Chrissie Hynde
Allow Others Learn Their Own Lessons
Relationships are one of the pillars of my life. Hence, I am constantly evaluating my connections.
To live my best, I want to surround myself with others who have self-awareness and are actively working on themselves. This way, we can grow together by stepping into our fullest expression.
And this makes friendships easy when both parties take full responsibility for their lives and have the courage to engage in uncomfortable conversations when necessary.
Many of the incompatible relationships that I had to let go of in the past involved others who are in pain, yet they don’t take action to get out of it.
It hurts me to see them struggling when they have already identified the problem.
And as a loving friend who can clearly see their blind spots, I want to help them. However, not everyone is receptive to my outside perspective of brutal honesty.
Instead of sharing my truth with them by giving unsolicited advice and/or unwanted support, I learned to share personal stories hoping they would find the lessons for themselves. And if that fails, then I give them space so they can grasp what they need on their own.
And by distancing myself from them, I don’t feel their emotional burden and struggle.
This way, they can learn to fight their own battles.
Additionally, I also have more time and energy to focus on myself and build compatible relationships with others.
It’s a win-win situation.
Having the awareness to identify what is not working (and what is) allows me to practice my courage muscle to do what is difficult and necessary – having uncomfortable conversations if appropriate and worthwhile.
For those who aren’t receptive or worse defensive, I make peace, give gratitude, and let them go.
This way, I free myself of relationships that I cannot grow with.
End the Self-Limiting Stories
To keep themselves safe, most people hold onto beliefs that may include the following:
- “I can’t do this or that.”
- “That is not for me.”
- “This relationship is okay.”
- “This job is fine.”
Other perceived limitations may encompass the following:
- Family background
- Ethnicity
- Height
- Skin color
Regardless of your current circumstance, you can unleash your full potential with what you currently have.
Let’s take health as an example. Despite your genetics, you can still get in great shape by living a healthy lifestyle. This requires eating a sensible diet, moving daily, managing stress, and getting sufficient sleep and recovery.
By practicing brutal honesty and radical self-love, you would choose to do what is best for yourself.
Become Self-Sufficient
Having impeccable integrity is essential to building trust, confidence, and reliance on yourself.
This means keeping your word and doing what you say you will do, especially when the task is difficult.
It will allow you to deeply connect your present self with your future self by completing the tasks you had promised yourself.
It is through committing your goals with actions that will enable you to believe in yourself. And to experience peace and enjoy the journey, focus on what you can control which is effort rather than the outcome.
Define your success by doing the necessary activities that will move you forward despite doubts and fears.
Because in the process, you will gain growth and build your character and resilience.
And with time and the right effort, you will see progress and results.
By choosing to live this way, you will experience triumphs that will rewire your brain and be more open to taking risks and embracing uncertainty.
Your life won’t ever be the same when you constantly select to do what you must to become who you truly aspire to be.
This is how you construct confidence, and know that you can handle anything that may arise.
Closing Thoughts
We all have our blind spots.
Therefore, it is helpful to have an outside perspective. This may come in the form of the following:
- A mentor or coach
- Loving and supportive friends
- Therapist
Additionally, you can also identify your own roadblocks by asking yourself this:
- “How is my life working out for me?”
Using brutal honesty and radical self-love, you can determine what is not working in your life.
And when truly content with life, you will feel fulfilled, peaceful, and free.
This is shown in your demeanor and body language, which cannot be faked as they come from the subconscious.
End the limiting beliefs and do what you must so you can live authentically.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, but I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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