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Remember and Live Your Authentic Truth and Essence

connection, freedom, love, personal fulfillment, personal growth, relationships, success, truth

“Dance as though no one’s watching.

Sing as though no one’s listening. 

Love as though you’ve never been hurt.

Work as though you don’t need the money.

Live as though it’s heaven on earth”

—  Albert D’Souza

What You Have Forgotten

The moment you were born, you were whole, joyful, and free.

You were full of life, zest, and excitement to be living in this world as a human.

And as you aged, events transpired and you slowly forgot all you once were.

As farmers, your parents wanted you to have a better life than they did.

Pushing you to succeed, teachers punished you when you did not excel.

Then life took a massive turn when you moved to the United States.

To make themselves feel better, kids at school bullied you because you were different. Not wanting to be an outcast, you spent time with troublemakers.

And desiring to be liked by everyone, you learned to be “nice” to others.

As you moved through life, you suppressed your authentic self because you were scared of rejection.

After getting your heart broken, you closed it off and were afraid to love fully.

For academics, you continued to perform well in school because of parental pressure. And eventually, you stopped believing in your dream because you thought it wasn’t achievable.

Because of all this, you forgot who you truly are and started living someone else’s dream.

Remember Your Truth

You didn’t do anything wrong.

There is nothing you need to fix, as you are not broken. 

You are the best at being yourself; own and embrace all of yourself.

You are not alone in life.

There is support if you want it. It is not weak to ask for help, rather it is courageous and smart.

No one can do everything on their own because everyone needs help at times.

Everything you are looking for is inside of you. You can give all that you are seeking to yourself.

There is nothing you need to do to gain validation or love from others.

Focus on an internally fulfilled life and give from a place of abundance and overflow.

It is safe to trust life because it is on your side.

Believe everything that is happening and will transpire in the future is for your highest good and learning.

There is no such thing as a problem-free life. 

Challenges will inevitably arise to make life meaningful and to develop your character.

Flow with life by letting go of what is incompatible so you have space and time for what is and receive what life truly has to offer.

In every moment, realize that you did your best with what you knew and had.

Your worth has nothing to do with what you have (or don’t have), who you are with, and what you do. 

It is your authentic character.

Your heart is indestructible, so love fully.

Those who have hurt you didn’t know any better. Make peace knowing that they also did the best they could with what they had.

Heal by processing the emotions and letting them dissipate. Cry, mourn, grieve, and if necessary, release your anger.

These are signs of maturity and emotional strength.

Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the past so you can move forward.

Learn from your mistakes so you can know and do better in the future.

It is your lifelong purpose to grow and evolve.

Live Your Truth

You are no better or worse than anyone else as we are all humans.

Because what one person can do, another can as well, and much more.

Absorb from others who have the results you want to shorten your learning curve.

Find inspiration in others and get pulled forward.

Create a powerful vision and a purpose that is much grander than yourself that drives you to wake up every morning.

Be the brightest fire that lights the darkest night, and the change you want to see in the world.

Your power is endless and you can create anything.

Lead by example with massive action.

Fulfill your internal cup first, and share your gift with others.

Spread your joy with anyone who wants it without expecting anything in return.

All this will allow you to remember your true essence of freedom and love. Additionally, you will discover your passions, develop your desired skills, and fully enjoy life.

Closing Thoughts

To complete the circular journey of life is to remember your authentic truth – to be free and simply experience this human life.

After coming back to the state of being wholesome and completeness, you can experience lasting contentment knowing that you are always enough.

Your external circumstances have nothing to do with your self-worth. 

It is who you are, how you show up in the world, and what drives you that truly matters.

Your journey in life is to love, be loved, share love, and do the things you love as much as you can.

This is a loving reminder from my heart to yours.

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