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Take a Stand for Yourself and Realize Your Dream

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

Treasure the Present Moment

After discovering my purpose, I decided to leave my high-paying engineering job and took a risk by betting on myself.

Without personal obligations, I had the privilege to pursue my dream.

Having financial savings allowed me to live without having a consistent income.

Additionally, I reduced my overhead cost by moving into a smaller place and having housemates.

This minimalistic, simple, and fulfilling life enabled me to engage in activities that mattered most to me.

To keep myself focused, I built tasks and responsibilities for myself. And every day, I was excited to wake up and live my dream. 

After my morning routine of swimming, taking a cold shower, and meditating, I performed deep work of creating content.

Daily, I had the flexibility to prioritize the following:

Additionally, I explored my other desires in nature which included the following:

Highlights from that accelerated personal and professional growth journey consisted of the following:

And as a final celebration, I took a three-month spontaneous trip to Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam) and experienced the following:

Intangibly, I further strengthened my self-trust and confidence knowing that I can handle any situation.

Reflecting back, that was the most memorable time of my life because I created impactful work, generated unforgettable memories, experienced different cultures, and built many lifelong relationships.

Honor Your Deepest Desires

While work and generating money are important, there is more to life than that. Therefore, it is imperative that you design your life to make time for what is most important to you. 

This may mean experiencing more personal growth and fulfillment, which requires conscious planning to allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

To be regularly excited about life, you can be a continuous learner by acquiring new hobbies and/or further developing a particular skill.

And when you lose interest in one pastime, you can take a short break from it and work on something else. 

By concentrating on an activity that is not your main focus, you can recharge and regain clarity and reinvigorate your purpose.

This may require getting out of your comfort zone. 

One way is to go somewhere new where you can absorb yourself in the present moment through the fascination and newness around you.

And to take a step further, you can go on a solo trip to a foreign country.

This way, you are fully dependent on yourself and are forced to be uncomfortable such as the following:

Following your curiosity, you become a student of life. By curiously listening to others without the urge to interject, you can expand your way of thinking and have a deeper understanding of others’ ways of living and beliefs.

As a result, you can build empathy and compassion for others. Additionally, you gain an unfamiliar perspective and knowledge about the world.

And along the way, you can also create serendipitous loving relationships that you normally wouldn’t have.

Realize Your Dream

Money is a combination of your precious time and effort.

You can use that to fuel your lifestyle and allow you to pursue your deepest desires.

By taking a mini-retirement, you can reward yourself with adventures to give you zest and energy.

Examples may include the following:

Ask yourself:

Below all the layers, your heart knows the answers. Let it guide you to realizing your dream.

Closing Thoughts

Time is limited and your finite resource.

How do you spend it?

Why are you exhausting it in those ways?

To realign your actions with your core values and highest priorities, ask yourself the following;

Your dream has always been inside you. Start living it now.

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