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Elevate Your Life With a Band of Brothers and Strap of Sisters

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”

― Dan Pena

Find Your Tribe

In 2017, I spent a week in Los Angeles, California for a personal development program. 

And that is when I met seven other wholesome men who also wanted to become better versions of themselves. We were all deeply committed because of the high cost (program and other expenses) and spending a week in a new location.

As the event went on, our bond grew stronger after learning more about each other through group exercises.

Soon, we were a band of brothers pushing one another to excel and expand our comfort zone. 

To help us grow, we became accountability partners and provided honest constructive feedback when we lacked commitment.

Additionally, we celebrated our successes and saw them as our own.

As the program came to an end, we parted ways and went back to our individual lives.

For a while, we maintained contact with the residual momentum we gained from the program. However, that fading energy eventually dissipated and we stopped all communication.

To keep myself playing at a high level, I actively seek out other wholesome men and women in my local area.

And this is a lifelong journey to continue the expansion of my band of brothers and strap of sisters.

Elevated Your Life

To build a team of wholesome and conscious people, you must become one yourself.

That’s the key to attracting and keeping them in your life.

Because these high-level individuals value themselves and their time, they strictly want to spend them with those who are genuine and truly want to add value to their life.

To perform your best, you must live with high standards that include the following:

Through dedicated and continuous efforts, you can create connections that have mutual reciprocity, respect, and deep appreciation.

To help others grow, you can point out their blind spots and provide honest constructive feedback.

And by having the capacity to speak your truth and hold space for difficult conversations, you enable others to evolve by trusting that they take full responsibility for their life.

Add Great Players To Your Team

To find these rare yet powerful men and women, you must go to the places where they reside.

These individuals live a well-balanced life and they focus on all aspects which include health, wealth, relationships, and personal growth. Therefore, you may encounter them in areas such as the following:

Health and Fitness


Personal growth

Professional advancement

After connecting with them, you can further nourish these reciprocal relationships by adding true value – what they desire and love languages. Additionally, you can learn more about them – who they are and what they care about. 

These lasting allies can share joyful moments and aid you in times of need.

Closing Thoughts

What makes a person’s value has nothing to do with one’s net worth. 

It has everything to do with one’s character. This includes the level of integrity, commitment, responsibility, ethics, and way of life.

By being an amazing example, you become the shining light for those who aspire to be their best. And as a byproduct, you also attract other wholesome individuals into your life.

After building your band of brothers and strap of sisters, you can experience more happiness, love, and success than you could on your own.

Make a conscious effort to seek them out and create these intentional and lasting connections.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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