“Trust is not built in big sweeping moments. It’s built in tiny moments every day.”
― Brené Brown
Release Those Who Aren’t Pulling You Forward
On my beautiful journey in life, I’ve met many people.
Some have been on the ride since the beginning, and others have been there for only a few minutes.
And for some, I did not even meet in person.
Regardless of the level of impact they have made on my life, I’m eternally grateful for all encounters because they have shaped me into the man I am today.
As I have further discovered more about myself, I learned about the type of people I want to have in my life. These are wholesome individuals committed to growth and living a well-balanced life.
- Consistently inconsistent
- Disgenuine and inconsiderate
- Lacking integrity
- Complacent and stagnant
- Fearful
- Closed-minded
By letting go of these individuals, I have created more room and time for myself and those who share similar values as I do.
And as a result, I get to focus on myself and spend time with those who are reciprocal in our loving relationship.
Lead With a B.R.A.V.I.N.G Heart
Brené Brown is one of my favorite authors and I love her concept of B.R.A.V.I.N.G.
B stands for boundary and we must clearly communicate our boundaries with others because they are not psychics.
It is a necessary conversation to have so you can establish them in your relationship with others.
It lets others know what is acceptable. And if they cross that line, it violates your trust because they aren’t respecting and honoring your standards.
And if it is a repeating pattern, the decision is quite clear and you must make the courageous and self-loving choice.
R is for reliability which measures the dependability of others.
These individuals can be relied on in times of need because you would do the same for them.
Additionally, they will give you the honest and brutal truth, even if you don’t want to hear them.
They tell you that because of their love and care for you; they want you to live up to your potential and create your best life.
And in the low moments, they see the best in you even when you don’t.
A stands for accountability and means these individuals take full responsibility for their actions.
And if they made a mistake, they will mend the situation and apologize because they are in the wrong.
They don’t take your friendship for granted by truly appreciating you, your value, and what they have developed with you.
V is for vault. These people are able to confide secrets and do not share confidential information with others. And to make it evidently clear, you can ask the individual that the information is only meant for their ears.
They provide a safe container for you to share your deepest fears, utmost challenges, and even loving stories.
I stands for integrity. This means the individual says what they mean and means what they say.
Additionally, they choose discomfort and growth over comfort and complacency. It is honoring their word and commitment through action. And over time, this builds trust in the friendship.
N is for non-judgment. This equates to not making assumptions and narratives about others. Rather they communicate and ask with curiosity and compassion.
They give you the benefit of the doubt by leading with a loving heart and aim to understand your unique perspective.
G stands for generous.
This means that individuals have an abundance mindset and are willing to give knowing there is plenty for everyone.
They focus on win-win situations where all parties involved can benefit from the outcome.
Moreover, they believe in karma in that when they give, it will eventually come back to them in one form or another.
Forge New Connections
Building relationships requires intentionality and effort.
It starts with putting yourself in situations where you can meet others.
Choose to be proactive and take the lead by initiating the interaction.
And for those who are aligned with your values and standards, you can get to know them through deliberate effort and develop those relationships.
To create meaningful connections, you can practice honesty and openness in disclosing information about yourself while asking others engaging questions through genuine curiosity.
It is a conversation through giving and sharing.
Additionally, you can also invite them to events and/or host that intentional gathering for your friends to meet each other.
Closing Thoughts
It is your responsibility to find and keep wholesome individuals in your life.
Although these people are rare because growth is a conscious decision that must come from within., they are worth the search.
By being a living example through embodiment and inspiring others around you. Those who are on a similar journey will join you. And those who aren’t will slowly fade away.
Since your time and energy are finite, you can focus on choosing to spend them on people who are worthwhile.
They are created through intentional search and effort.
And by having a handful of amazing allies, you can experience more joy and success.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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