“It’s your choice, NOT your upbringing that creates your reality.”
― Dain Heer
Identify Generational Patterns
As farmers in rural China, my family and I lived a simple life.
We raised animals and planted vegetables for food.
That all changed after moving to the U.S.
Immediately, we felt a sense of lack in comparison with our neighbors, friends, relatives, and society.
And growing up, I was highly influenced by my parents through osmosis. And eventually, I adopted their beliefs and way of living which included the following:
- Scarcity mindset
- The push to chase materialistic achievements and luxurious objects
- The need to compare with others
- Living in the future
As I became independent and discovered personal development, I didn’t feel aligned with those values anymore.
I started to question these beliefs by asking myself the following:
- “Are these beliefs truly mine?”
- “Who do they belong to?”
- “Are they serving me in allowing me to grow or weighing me down?”
- “Do they give me peace or hold me back?”
- “What are my authentic truths and beliefs?”
Through self-discovery and learning about my deepest desires, I created a new belief system.
It centered around building true freedom which consisted of doing what I want, when I want, and with whom I want.
This created financial, professional, and personal abundance.
Remove Mental Blockers
Throughout the course of your life, you’ve acquired ideas and beliefs from others, and perhaps also have created your own through self-discovery.
To identify your unique beliefs, you must first question your current ones.
Ask yourself:
- “What is my belief system?”
- “Do these values belong to me?”
- “If not, who does this belong to?”
- “How did I acquire this belief?”
When you hold onto a belief that’s not genuinely yours, it weighs you down and prevents you from breaking through.
And by letting it go, you feel light and can start creating your own.
Using your them as a compass, you will have clarity in making decisions that best serve you.
As a result, you will experience more peace knowing that you acted according to your truth regardless of the outcome.
Choose Courage and Live Authentically
After having created your belief system, the more difficult part now is embodying it.
This means choosing courage over fear and comfort, and doing what is difficult.
Realize this:
Nothing worthwhile comes easily.
That’s because lasting beneficial outcomes can only be truly achieved through deliberate effort and unwavering dedication.
It’s life’s way of molding you into the man you want to be.
And getting those external outcomes are simply mere bonuses.
The real gains are your growth – those intangible traits and characteristics that make you a more powerful version of yourself.
It is having self-trust and true confidence knowing you can handle any situation that may arise.
This can only be achieved through choosing to overcome the inevitable struggles and challenges that life throws at you.
That’s because when you rise above the level of the problem, the solution automatically appears.
And by adopting the growth mindset to constantly expand your comfort zone, you will increase your level of awareness through continuous practice.
Closing Thoughts
To melt ice, the temperature around it must be above 0℃.
The same applies to the problems in your life. To find solutions, your level of thinking must be above that of the challenge.
It starts with your mind and the codes you are operating with.
Therefore, it is important to question your current belief system and eradicate any mental blockers.
And only you have the power to define them for yourself.
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