“The lesson is simple, the student is complicated.”
― Barbara Rasp
Rise Above Your Feelings
In 2016, when I finally decided to quit my high-paying job and pursue my desire to help others full-time, I had to overcome many internal struggles.
One of the biggest obstacles was living in the future and worrying about the unknown.
I overanalyzed the possible outcomes and was concerned about not being able to create a sustainable income.
Additionally, I was overwhelmed by all the necessary (and unknown) steps to achieve my goals compared to industry leaders who have done it for years and decades.
To combat all this, I imagined the possible outcomes after I accomplished my goals and the man I would become.
I also simplified my highest desires and defined what success meant to me.
And since being on the journey, there were many times when I wanted to stop – but that short-lived moment faded after I did the necessary tasks to move closer to my goals.
And now, I have learned to rise above my feelings of deflation and choose to do the necessary work.
Be a Professional
The best professional athletes do what is required regardless of how they feel, especially when no one is watching. At times, they even push through pain and injuries because of their committed dedication to mastering their craft.
And in extremely difficult situations, you can empower yourself by watching motivational videos and/or listening to inspirational music.
It is in those moments of deflation that you choose actions that are aligned with your highest desires.
By doing so, you are choosing delayed satisfaction rather than instant gratification.
Take One Small Step at a Time
In every moment, we always have a choice in how we want to respond and what actions to take.
Ask yourself:
“What will I choose to do now?”
Enlist those activities on your calendar to provide structure and priority.
This enables you to know exactly what tasks need to be done and when you will do them.
And with consistency, they will add up to tremendous achievements.
Closing Thoughts
As humans, we have emotions that allow us to feel amazing experiences.
However, at times, it can hold us back and cloud our logical decisions.
Unlike a robot that does what needs to be done determined by its ability, we have feelings that dictate whether or not we will perform that task or not.
Rather than letting your emotional reasoning stunt your growth, you can simply choose to do the work now and reap the benefits later.
I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!
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