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Keep Perspective and Appreciate the Amazing Opportunity of Being a Human

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Human Experience

In 2017, when I visited Vietnam, I had the opportunity of rock climbing outdoors.

Since most of my training was indoors, I was excited about this rare chance of climbing on real rocks.

After I had warmed up on easier routes, I decided to do a harder climb.

As I reached the crux of the rock, I made a big move with my right hand to get to the next hold.

And after getting to the top, I realized that my right pinky finger was bleeding.

Once my belay partner descended me down to the ground, I quickly stopped the blood with a band-aid.

Looking back up on the route, I determined the sharp rock that caused my wound.

My friend asked me, “Are you okay?

I smiled and said, “This is a sign that I am still alive.

I am lucky to be able to experience health, sickness, sadness, joy, and all the emotions on the human spectrum.

It’s a blessing to be here and breathing – the amazing opportunity to live, forge meaningful relationships, and create unforgettable experiences.

Keep Perspective

In life, we all go through struggles and tribulations.

And regardless of what you are currently facing, it’s not the end.

Eventually, you will become wiser and more powerful when taking the required steps to overcome it.

Realize that you are not the first person to be here, as others have conquered it before.

Remember this:

You are not alone. And what one person can do, another can as well, and much more.

To accelerate your progress, you can find committed people who want you to be your best. This may include trusted friends, coaches, or mentors.

The support is available and you don’t have to walk the journey alone.

This Too Shall Pass

Everything in life is impermanent. 

All the experiences we have will eventually fade away. 

Knowing that nothing lasts forever gives you a greater appreciation for those amazing experiences and hope during those dark times.

Because this joyful feeling is temporary, you can develop a deeper sense of engagement by fully immersing in the present moment.

And in those times of tribulation, you can still honor it. Realize that this adversity allows you to propel forward to be a better man.

Additionally, you can shift your focus on what is going well and what you can control, which are your thoughts and actions.

Therefore, take the necessary activities to bring you closer to your goal.

Closing Thoughts

You have the amazing and rare opportunity to be a human.

One day, this journey ends.

And realizing that will enable you to treasure those rare moments and loving people in your life.

Also for those tough situations, you can keep perspective and persevere through the struggle knowing that it doesn’t last forever.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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