Build Your Dream and Create the Life You Want


“Dreams and uncertainty simply go hand in hand.”

— Izzy Arkin

Be Your Own Angel Investor

When I decided to pursue my dream full-time, I wanted to create a profitable venture helping others while fueling my lifestyle.

However, it didn’t transpire as I had hoped.

During that building phase, I created digital products (a book and an online course) and a coaching program to generate revenue.

However, the money I received from those products and services wasn’t nearly enough to support myself even though I had downsized and significantly reduced my overhead cost.

Although I hadn’t accomplished my dream of being financially free and tangibly helping others during those few years, I persevered by pursuing it on the side while working a full-time engineering job which I enjoy.

person standing on cliff during nighttimeNow it’s been a stable part of my life that I do both – using my job to fuel my lifestyle and venture which focuses on men’s personal development utilizing passive income (book, online course, Quora, and Amazon affiliates).

I am living my dream of helping myself by generating income and creating a tangible impact by continually helping men become better versions of themselves.

Realize Your Dream

Everyone’s dream is unique, and for some it may include the following:

  • Financial freedom
  • Digital nomad
  • Avid traveler
  • Non-profit organization
  • Passion project

To help you identify your dream, ask yourself the following:

  • “If I weren’t in my current situation, what would I rather be doing?”
  • “What does my ideal average day look like?”
  • “What is my life’s mission?”

This stems from your core desires for freedom, contribution, and being able to choose the following:

  • Location
  • Activities
  • Time of the day

person seated on grassIt is about the ability to create your own schedule of choosing when to work, what to do, and where to accomplish it.

Leverage the Power of Technology

After you’ve clearly mapped out your dream, you can work backward to make it a reality.

This is where your time and commitment come into play by taking the necessary steps regularly that bring you closer to your goal. And the time required will depend on your level of intensity and type of activities that will move the needle forward.

As a smart play, you can use your current job’s income while building your dream on the side.

This way, you are an angel investor in your endeavor.

laptop computer beside potted plantAdditionally, you can generate active and passive income using technology that may include online affiliates, marketing, partnerships, and financial investments.

As your venture grows and demands more of your time and attention, you have the choice to focus on it full-time.

Closing Thoughts

Deep down, you have a dream that hasn’t been realized.

While taking care of yourself and those around you is important, there is a much more critical need which is to fulfill your dream.

And if you aren’t building it, chances are high that you are helping someone build theirs.

While this is necessary because others also need support, the win-win situation is to leverage your current income and work on your dream simultaneously.

person holding lanternThat way, you can progress towards freedom (financial and personal) after taking the necessary steps.

I am on a mission to help 1,000,000 people, and I can’t do that without your help. Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful. Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate it!

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