Site icon Purpose Driven Mastery


I wrote The Self-Mastery Plan to empower men to live purposefully and become their best.

Today, I see countless men wandering aimlessly in life. Most times, they’re sad, depressed, and always chasing something.

What they’re looking for is never somewhere out there.

It has always been here.

They already have everything they’ll ever need to be happy and fulfilled.

They just haven’t realized it yet.

Understanding and relating to their pain and unique challenges, I’ve devoted my entire life to becoming my best, so I can help other men become theirs.

This book starts with my personal story and the process of how I got to where I am today.

From a small boy growing up in rural China to the land of opportunities in the United States, I have experienced both the simple lifestyle and the modern day’s chaotic and busy culture.

On my lifelong journey of personal development, I have learned many invaluable life lessons. To save others the trouble and time of going through similar struggles, I have compiled all the key findings in this book to help them to become their best.

This is the book I wish I had when I first started my personal development journey.

This book has the following seven chapters.

Chapter 1 ― My Hero’s Journey

Chapter 2 ― The Purposeful Mindset

Chapter 3 ― The Foundational Pillar of Life: Health

Chapter 4 ― Generate Abundant Wealth by Investing in Yourself and Helping Others

Chapter 5 ― Create Meaningful and Lasting Relationships

Chapter 6 ― Become Your Best Version

Chapter 7 ― Be Masterful by Being a Student of Life

In this book, you will learn the practical steps to start finding your life’s mission and living a meaningful life. Additionally, you will attain the following:

  • Adopt a purposeful mindset
  • Learn the fundamentals of living a healthy lifestyle
  • Start investing in yourself and focus on making a positive impact on the world
  • Create deep and loving relationships with others
  • Gain the confidence you’ll need to conquer your biggest fears
  • Master yourself by being a student of life

You can read the first chapter ― My Hero’s Journey here or listen to it down below.

If you want more, you can get the full kindle e-book, paperback, or audio version (free with your Audible trial or on iTunes) of the book here.

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