Site icon Purpose Driven Mastery


Hi there!

Please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Perry Liao and I’m on a lifelong journey of personal development to become my best.

My mission is to empower men to become stronger versions of themselves by focusing on the areas of health, wealth, relationships, and personal growth.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  

― Jim Rohn

The above quote emphasizes the importance of the people who I surround myself with. That is the key to success in the world of personal development, the world I live in now.

But how did I get here?  

Let’s go all the way back to the beginning. 

I was born in the southern part of China. Growing up in a small village that consisted of about thirty people, I grew up as a farmer. My family had our own vegetable garden, farm animals, and even a rice field.  

Vividly I still remember those long summer days spent under the sun with my older brother waiting for the rice grains to dry, assuring hungry birds or chickens wouldn’t eat any of them.

Life was simple back then; we grew and raised what we needed to survive.

Now let’s forward to when I was nine years old. My family and I moved to the United States.

Back then, I didn’t know a single word of English, not even the word “hello.” As a starting point, I enrolled in an English Second Language class with other non-English speaking students. After just one year of studying that curriculum, my skill level in reading, writing, and speaking English improved exponentially.

But what took my English communication abilities to the next level was surrounding myself with native English-speaking students, which utilizing English was the only way to interact.

Because of my affinity for math and chemistry growing up, those two collided to produce chemical engineering, my college major.

Shortly after graduating from college and immersing myself in the professional world, I slowly compromised my health. I found myself gradually gaining weight and often times felt lethargic. 

Witnessing the unhealthy lifestyles that many of my senior coworkers had further motivated me to create a balanced lifestyle for myself.

I started running.  

My new fondness for jogging caused me to sign up for a half marathon. One led to another, and eventually, I signed up for a full marathon.  

Now my goal is to complete an Ironman.

Every day I take action towards that dream by having completed two century rides.

Now my current focus is swimming.

But as I dived deeper into improving my health, I discovered the love to improve other areas of my life, which included relationships, finance, and my professional career. I started reading books, listening to podcasts, watching TED (Technology, Education, and Design) talks, and anything I can get my hands on.

But what is more important than gathering knowledge is to apply what I have learned with consistent repetition to reach mastery.

While enhancing different facets of my life, I discovered health was the most important aspect and foundation of it all.

I must first take care of myself before I can better serve others. Whether it is to become a better son, brother, friend, or colleague. The list goes on and on.

Relationships are important to me because of others’ unconditional love and support that inspire me to become a better person. To reciprocate that positive energy, I invest time and effort to further develop those connections.

I’m fortunate to have a group of like-minded men who hold me accountable and call me out on my excuses in hopes for me to achieve my goals.

My ultimate goal in life is to become my best. It’s a lifelong journey and I will never get there.

But each day I stretch my comfort zone just a tiny bit. It can simply be lifting an extra ten pounds during my workout, giving a high-five to a complete stranger on the street, or presenting a speech for a minute longer.

All of these small wins add up over time to big victories.

I’m completely content with myself but not complacent. By taking full responsibility for my life, I can create the life of my dreams.

“Love the life that you have while you create the life of your dreams.”

― Hal Elrod

I’m fully in love with the person I am today, but I’m even more excited about the person I’ll become tomorrow!

That is enough about me. (You can read more here.)

This is about you.

If you are looking to improve yourself in the areas of health, wealth, relationship, and personal growth, then you are in the right place.

  • Do you feel stuck in life?
  • Are you wandering aimlessly without a strong sense of purpose?
  • Do you feel like you’re alone on the journey?
  • Do you want to get in the best shape of your life?
  • Do you crave to make a real positive impact in the world?
  • Do you wish to have deep and powerful connections with others?
  • Do you desire to become the most powerful version of yourself?
  • Do you aspire to create a legacy you’ll be proud of?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then this is the community for you.

Learn more about me when I was a guest on the DOPEamine podcast.

If you have any questions and/or comments, please send them to me here!

I would love to hear from you!

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