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Create a Relaxing Evening Routine to Prepare for Tomorrow

Create a Relaxing Evening Routine to Prepare for Tomorrow

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.”

Mike Murdock

Create a Relaxing Evening Routine

To prepare for high-quality sleep, I have a short and effective evening routine. Just equally important to having a powerful morning ritual to kickstart the day, harnessing a peaceful evening practice can also provide superior rest which helps produce an efficient tomorrow.

Below are the activities I do prior to sleeping:

  1. Write in my journal
  2. Plan out the next day
  3. Perform light stretches with yoga or foam-rolling while listening to relaxation music
  4. Meditate for fifteen minutes

Dimming my environment primes my body for sleep. In addition, I sit quietly to wind down and get ready for bedtime.

By practicing a fixed procedure at night, I prepare for rest. Feeling relaxed after slow movements while calming my mind, I get into a deeply restorative state.

Additionally, sleeping around the same time every night creates a strong habit for my body. As a result, I wake up at approximately the same time in the morning.

To experience a sound sleep, I cover my bedroom windows with blackout curtains. Also, I wake up naturally without the use of an alarm clock.

The benefits of having a successful evening procedure allow me to feel physically energized and mentally fresh for the next day. In return, I give myself the best chance to crush any goals I have planned.

Ways to Prepare for High-Quality Sleep

Sleep is an important part of your daily life. Without enough of it, you can experience many health problems[1] such as increasing the risk of the following:

To help you prepare for a great night of sleep, you can do the following:

1. Eliminate Blue Light Exposure

To increase the production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, avoid screen time before bed.

If you must, you can install the application f.lux on your computer or phone. This program automatically adjusts the color on your electronic devices based on the time of the day. Therefore when using it at night, you won’t be exposed to those counterproductive wavelengths which can increase your alertness.

2. Slow Down the Mind

You will inevitably have countless thoughts running through your brain.

This is normal.

However, you can quiet your mental activities by meditating silently. The amount of time required may vary and it’s an experiment you can try for yourself.

First, sit in a comfortable position. Then simply focus your attention on your breath or bodily sensations.

3. Incorporate Light Stretches or Slow Movements

To better prepare your body for sleep, you can include some easy stretching poses in your evening routine. This will put your body in a loose state and prime for a good night’s rest.

4. Listen to Relaxation Music

There is scientific evidence that shows the relationship between music and cognition.[2] Therefore, it’s no surprise your mood can be affected by the type of melody you listen to. By listening to slow and light tunes, you can be in a calm state.

5. Avoid Harmful Substances

This includes the consumption of alcohol since it’s a depressant that can disrupt your sleep cycle.

Another compound is caffeine. Because of its function to increase alertness, residual caffeine in the body can cause insomnia. It’s best to avoid it at least ten to twelve hours before bedtime.

6. Decrease the Temperature in Your Room

Between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 to 19.4 degrees Celsius)[3] is the recommended temperature based on

Your body temperature drops as you sleep, hence you cover your body with warm articles such as blankets or sheets. Having your room at a cooler temperature will help your body lower its temperature faster.

By implementing these small and simple changes, you’ll experience a deeper and more well-rested night of sleep.

Map Out Your Tomorrow

To increase productivity and focus for tomorrow, you can plan it out the night before.

By spending five to ten minutes the prior evening to design your tomorrow, you can go to bed knowing exactly what you must do.

This not only provides clarity but also peace of mind during your sleep. Without unnecessary stress and anxiety, you can additionally increase your sleep quality.

By performing this powerful exercise, you can have more purpose and direction in your daily life. To do this, write in your weekly/monthly planner the activities you want to accomplish. An example list may include the following:

Using this method, you’ll increase efficiency and get the most out of your day.

Closing Thoughts

Having a strong and fixed evening ritual can deepen your quality of sleep. After feeling well-rested and rejuvenated in the morning, you’re ready to tackle the utmost challenges which you have prioritized the night before.

With that crystal clear clarity, you can feel focused and assertive knowing precisely what needs to be done. As your day winds down, you repeat the same process to maximize your health, longevity, and productivity.

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Footnote References:

[1]CDC Features.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 Mar. 2018,

[2]Krumhansl, Carol L. “Music: A Link Between Cognition and Emotion.” Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1 Apr. 2002,

[3]“Best Temperature for Sleep.” Sleep.Org,

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