“What you seek is seeking you.”  ― Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi Become Your Best Asking my social circle for dating advice, the most common answer I get is this: “You just have to be yourself.” They’re not wrong about that advice. That's because being anyone else but myself is an act of deceit. Not to mention that it’s difficult and tiresome to be someone I'm not. The...
“Be the kind of person you want others to be.” ― Anurag Prakash Ray In social dynamics, there are four main personality archetypes and they're not gender-specific. To show you each, let's imagine you're in a two-piece suit attending a fancy work party. In your hand, you're holding your favorite drink. The Supplicative (Submissive) Type The room has many of your coworkers and you see...
“The good life is built with good relationships.” ― Robert Waldinger The Benefits of Meaningful Relationships The quality of your romantic and platonic relationships impacts your overall health and happiness. Quality beats quantity when it comes to relationships. Having healthy relationships allows you to: Live longer - a commitment to a life partner Better cope with stress - support from family and friends Be physically healthier...