“There's no abiding success without commitment.” ― Tony Robbins Learn to Fall in Love With the Process After graduating from college, I fully immersed myself in the professional world. With the main focus on building my career, I dedicated most of my time to work. In just a few short years, I had gained close to fifteen to twenty pounds of fat. After...
“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.” ― Roy T. Bennett Eliminate Filler Words In 2016, I joined an international non-profit organization called Toastmasters....
“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.” ― May Sarton As I celebrated my 30th birthday in February, I reflected back on the valuable lessons I learned in my 20s. Here are my biggest takeaways. 1. Be 100% Unapologetic Being myself was difficult as I did everything I was supposed to according to society’s expectations. To make...
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” – Mark Twain Life is Long Enough “What is the meaning of life?” That’s something I used to contemplate all the time. Wanting to find the answer, I started consuming content related to that topic. In addition, I followed my curiosity by...
“I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.” ― Jim Carrey Internal Fulfillment Believing happiness is achieved externally, I spent the early part of my life chasing them. While after having achieved a feat or purchased something, that feeling did not last. But after going inward and...
“Accountability breeds response-ability.” – Stephen Covey Personal Accountability Personal accountability creates excellence. Every one of my goals is important to me because they give guidance and direction in my life. Here are some of my current daily goals. Deliberately practice swimming Meet two attractive women Write a minimum of 500 words Answer one Quora question Although achieving these goals is important, I don’t attach myself...
“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” – Erica Jong Find Comfort in Discomfort Growing up, I was taught to draw within the lines because it’s dangerous to step outside of my boundaries. I must follow the rules society has written for me. That way, I can live a comfortable and secure life. The scripted way of being led to a deep sense...
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ― Viktor Frankl Don’t Give Away Your Power During one of my meetings with my former colleague, she repeatedly asked questions about the scientific project. Because it required more data, I told her that I...
“Do the work, every day, you have to do something you don’t want to do. Every day, challenge yourself to be uncomfortable, push past the apathy, laziness, and fear.” ― Tim S. Grover Do the Necessary Work Growing up, I never liked writing or reading. Reflecting back, the main reason for those negative feelings was because of my lack of interest in...
“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.” ― Roy T. Bennett Letting Go With Acceptance One of my biggest life epiphanies has been this: I allow life to continuously flow by choosing to let go of things (and people) that are no longer compatible with me. There could be...